Barcelona Perl & Friends: Saturday 4 Nov 2017

This came into my Inbox just now and looked too good to keep to myself ...

Barcelona Perl & Friends: Saturday 4 Nov 2017

A free one-day conference for Geeks and Friends

The computer industry is becoming a place where you are trapped in the feeling that you're missing out if you're not using last week's "hot thing" commented on Twitter, and that no one will be interested if you're not talking about the last functional programming lanaguage, new framework, etc.

The fact is that innovations and amazing things are going on in lots of our "out of sight" communities. Come to show us what you've done, how you like to work, what is working for you and what is not, without the feeling that you'll be frowned upon because you say jQuery, SQL Server, Ruby or Windows.

We're the Perl Community. We want to share with you our ideas and innovations, and want to see yours, no matter what technology you use, what gender you are or where you're from.

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About kid51

user-pic kid51 is the IRC handle for James E Keenan, New York City-based Perl aficionado, CPAN contributor (id: JKEENAN), user group organizer and frequent conference speaker