May 2020 Archives

PWC 060: Task #1, Excel Column & Task #2, Find Numbers

PWC Task #1, Excel Column

jaredor submission for Task #1

Convert back and forth between base 10 and base 26, no problem.

"Column A" equals 1? Problem.

Okay, as problems go, that is a small one. Let I, an old Fortran programmer who loves perl, be your guide between offset indexin…

PWC 059: Task #1, Linked List & Task #2, Bit Sum

PWC Task #1, Linked List

jaredor submission for Task #1

Partitioning an input array into a @lower and @upper array based on a pivot element, $k, and then recombining into an output array (@lower, @upper) is pretty easy, e.g.,

say join(' ', (grep { $_ $k } @ARGV), (grep { $k = $_ } @ARGV));

A linked list …

PWC 058: Task #1, Compare Version & Task #2, Ordered Lineup

PWC Task #1, Compare Version

jaredor submission for Task #1

I usually am bored with string twisting (as opposed to bit twiddling) because there is a certain level of grunt work, even with such classics as ELIZA and FESTOON and I can easily fall down the…

About Jared Martin

user-pic I blog about Perl.