November 2013 Archives

TPF Grant Progress Report: November 2013

This past May, The Perl Foundation awarded a grant to fund development of a couple features in Pinto. Pinto is a robust tool for curating a private repository of CPAN modules, so you can build your application with the right modules every time. This is my third progress report on that work.

I've been preoccupied with Stratopan lately, so I have no progress to report this month. But now that the beta has been laun…

Perl-Critic Migration To GitHub Is Complete

Perl-Critic-1.121 marks the first production release from the new GitHub repository. We've also moved all the RT tickets to the GitHub issue queue.

Going forward, all development on Perl-Critic will happen on GitHub. For now, other modules like Test::Perl::Critic, Perl::Critic::More, and Perl::Critic::StricterSubs still live in the old Subversion repository…

Announcing Perl-Critic-1.121 With CERT Themes

The next version of Perl::Critic has been shipped to CPAN and it includes built-in themes tied to the CERT guidelines for secure coding. CERT divides their guidelines into "rules" and "recommendations". You can activate the Perl::Critic policies that CERT suggests like this:

# Apply all "rules"
perlcritic --theme certrule

# Apply all "recomendations"
perlcritic --theme certrec

# Ap…

About Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer

user-pic Hacker, speaker, author, dad.