Building a DevOps process using Meister and Perl

Tracy Ragan will give a talk at YAPC::NA 2012 described as:

Defining a build to deploy process that can easily be passed between development operations can be a challenge with the “one off” script.  The scripts designed for the developers purpose do not meet the production control needs.  Developers are looking for speed and agility, while production looks for audit and control.  

This talk reviews how OpenMake Software leverages Perl to create a Smart Scripter language that can auto-generate build, test and deploy scripts for multiple environments across the life cycle. You will learn how Perl has been used to create a adaptable build, test and deploy process without relying on one off script driven process, moving instead to a dynamic and adaptable model driven process based on the Perl language.

[From the YAPC::NA Blog.]

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About JT Smith

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