PrePAN New Feature: Email Notification

Today we have released a new feature of PrePAN, developed at Perl QA Hackathon 2013 Tokyo Satellite. You can now receive email notifications when comments are posted onto your modules or discussions you're joining, which enable you to catch up with what's going on about modules on PrePAN.

This feature is available only for uses who have been logged into PrePAN via GitHub. If you have at least 1 email available via API of GitHub, you'll see the setting page like below:

You can avoid receiving email notifications by turning off the check box on the setting page.

How to notify site activities to users had been a big concern for us. It was now partly solved, we think. We're continuously working on PrePAN to make it better place.


Chef cookbook for plenv

plenv is so cool that I'd like to use it for my personal project. Then, I have to hack up chef cookbooks for automated provisioning. I tried to write Chef LWRPs for the first time.

Using the cookbook, you can easily install perls via plenv and CPAN modules via cpanm.

I'm waiting for your feedback.


Using Attributes and Recipes

Add these recipes below into run_list:


Then set attributes described later.

Using LWRPs (Recommended)

Only recipe[plenv] should be added into your run_list.


Then use LWRPs in your own recipe.

plenv_install "5.16.3" do
  user   "kentaro"
  action :install

plenv_global "5.16.3" do
  user   "kentaro"
  action :run

].each do |mod|
  plenv_cpanm mod do
    user    "kentaro"
    version "5.16.3"
    options "--force"
    action  :install

References for how to write LWRPs

Joined CPAN-API (metacpan) Team

We're honored that we, PrePAN developers, can announce we just joined CPAN-API organization!

We're going to make the site better as possible. Please keep eyes on us and send pull requests to our repository.

PrePAN is Now on AWS

PrePAN had been running on my private server. oalders, the founder of metacpan, referred to PrePAN in his blog post, so I made up my mind to move the site to AWS to ensure stability.

Structure of PrePAN can be drawn as the diagram below:

I'm going to maintain and add features to it for future. I hope more of you join PrePAN and have discussion on modules to be newly uploaded to CPAN to make it much better place than now.

The code and chef cookbooks have been opensourced at GitHub. Check them and please send pull requests!

Big Announcements on PrePAN

Today, I'm proud that I can announce 2 big things about PrePAN:

PrePAN is now open source!

PrePAN team finally published the source code onto GitHub repository. You can freely commit the actual code. Any contributions including submitting issues, improving documentations, etc. are welcome!

PrePAN has been taken over by!

PrePAN had been developed with my personal efforts and resources. But, from now,, Kyoto-based new Perl Mongers, took over it, so you can expect continuous and more active development of the features with organizational support. is planning to hold a hackathon to hack the site in July. Keep your eyes on us!