YAPC::Asia Tokyo: More Sponsors, More Announcements

It's another EXTREMELY hot day in Japan. And we had another sponsor visit first thing in the morning. While we're grateful to our sponsors, we seriously hated the weather. But anyways...

So today I added 3 more sponsors to our list, and we now have 21 sponsors total for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011. We are expecting a few more, actually.

This year we also have a set of Individual Sponsors -- these people paid a little extra to show their spirit. We much much much appreciate their support.

We also have a few announcements. Since our blog feed isn't being syndicated to ironman, you may have missed it:

Follow @yapcasia, @lestrrat, and @941 for more real-time updates!

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About lestrrat

user-pic Japan Perl Association director; LINE, Inc; Tokyo, Japan