$4,000 grant approved

The Grants Committee approved and funded the grant proposal "Modern Object Oriented Programming in Perl" in the previous round.

This is our first time to fund a grant which exceeds $3,000 since we lifted the grant limit of $3,000 earlier this year.

I am pleased that we are now able to fund larger scale grants and help the Perl development. While we don't have unlimited budget, it is the right thing that appropriate amount of money is funded for good projects which will help the growth of Perl.

If you did not submit a grant proposal in the past just because $3,000 limit was too low, act now. The deadline of the next evaluation round is July 15th.

For choosing the grant amount, see "Improving the grant program (1) Grant Limit" too.

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About Makoto Nozaki

user-pic Secretary, The Perl Foundation.