September grant round is just around the corner

The Grants Committee evaluates grant proposals every two months (rules 1.1). We accept grant proposals all the time, and in this round, we will evaluate proposals which we get between July 15th till September 14th. I will post a CFP tomorrow, September 1st my time, on the TPF news.

Some readers may remember that I discussed the budget in July. Let me be clear; the grant limit is still $10,000 as announced in February.

Read on if you are interested on our budget.

As we funded $6,000 grant in the July round, the allocatable money we have for 2014 is $5,200.

At the same time, let me stress the basic rule for the grant application: Don't try to calculate your proposal based on the budget we have. While the budget is one factor, ultimately your grant value should not be influenced by the budget we have.

For example, if you think your grant is worth $8,000, submit a proposal with $8,000. Don't lower it just because of our remaining budget. The committee's initial decision whether to fund the grant will not be influenced by the remaining budget either.

It is true that we need to handle the situation differently if we want to fund more than we are allowed; but we will do our best to make it our issue, not grantee's issue.

Want to see how we will deal with this? Submit a proposal and see :)

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About Makoto Nozaki

user-pic Secretary, The Perl Foundation.