Monthly Report - February

Looking back at my last month performance, I get mixed feelings. I feel bad that I only submitted 7 Pull Requests. It is not that I didn't try to up the number. I noticed some of my past Pull Request disappearing from GitHub. It is affecting my Pull Request Stats. I keep all contributions record under my GitHub profile. It gives me sense of accomplishments.

The best part of last month was that I finally started taking part in The Weekly Challenge. Not only just code contributions but also blogged about it. It was possible because of help by fellow Team PWC member, Ryan Thompson.

What am I looking forward in the month of March? Well, I am looking forward to celebrate the completion of one year of "Perl Weekly Challenge" on 25th March 2020.

In my last report, I mentioned about my Dad's health. I am happy to announce that he is doing better and no longer dependent on others.

Let's take a quick look through last month main activities.

Pull Request

7 Pull Requests submitted in the month of February.

2278 Pull Requests altogether.

Git Commits

649 commits recorded in the month of February.

Overall 1229 commits recorded in the year 2020.

Perl Weekly Challenge

Perl Weekly Challenge proposed in the month of February

I have also reviewed the weekly challenges and they are listed as below:

Pull Request Club

Last month, I received Business::CreditCard by Wallace Reis. I submitted one Pull Request.

Perl Blog

Last month, I blogged about the following topics.

Perl Weekly Newsletter

Last month, I edited two editions of The Perl Weekly newsletter i.e. Issue #446 and Issue #448.

Adopt CPAN Module

None in the last month.

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About Mohammad S Anwar

user-pic CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Father of 3 angels. Indian by birth, British by choice.