Perl::QA Hackathon in Lyon - Summary
I'm back from the Perl QA Hackathon and had a blast. I really appreciated the work that BooK and Laurent did to pull this off. And thanks to for hosting us. In fact, we had a wide variety of sponsors and I suggest you check them out if you're looking for a new position.
To summarize what I did:
- I released TAP::Stream to let people merge multiple streams of TAP.
Very useful if you distribute tests across multiple boxes or want tests running in multiple processes.
This version makes it easier to migrate from Test::Class
It's a good starting point for those (like me) who are new to Dist::Zilla
This version makes method attributes required. There's simply too much benefit for them in tests and making them optional complicated the code too much.
This allows you to disable transactions, if you need to.
- I started writing The Zen of Test Suites.
This document explains my (not so humble) opinions about what is needed to write tests for applications.
All things considered, I think this was a very successful hackathon for me. I even have a lead for a rather interesting contract.
Thanks for the work. I looked at your dist.ini and it makes a good start. A friend and I are looking at becoming owners to a rather largest module and might go the Dist::Zilla route with it.
Hi Ovid,
Just a quick note for your "Zen of Test Suites" particularly this bit:
I've found that putting repetitive and declarative test data into arrays makes it easier to figure out which of the items failed its tests. Especially at first glance, before you realize it's a hash and the order is not guaranteed.
So something like:
If that adds too much syntactical overhead I would at the very least update the final test executed to include the
so that you can figure out which object failed the test:Clayton: that's a good point. I have two choices now. I can apply that change, or you can clone the repo and submit a patch. I'd prefer the latter because I'd love to have other people add their insights.