perlancar's 2014 Advent Calendar
About the series: Introduction to a selection of 24 modules which I first published in 2014. These exclude modules which I have blogged before.
Table of contents:
- Day 1: Slicing and dicing your JSON (App::jpath)
- Day 2: When uniq is not unique enough (App::nauniq)
- Day 3: Diff-ing database structure (DBIx::Diff::Struct)
- Day 4: Date calculator shell (App::datecalc)
- Day 5: Look ma, no 'argument list too long'! (App::rmhere)
- Day 6: Think globally, act localizably (File::umask, Locale::Tie, Unix::setuid)
- Day 7: Set screensaver timeout from the command-line (App::SetScreensaverTimeout)
- Day 8: Stopwatch (App::stopw)
- Day 9: Set operations with files (App::setop)
- Day 10: Finding module's path and more (Module::Path::More)
- Day 11: Tab-completion galore (App::{PM,Pl,Prog,Dzil,Git}Utils)
- Day 12: A fatpackable, SSL-aware HTTP::Tiny (but sadly, with a catch)
- Day 13: *PAN
- Day 14: What $! The $? (Proc::ChildError)
- Day 15: Words on CPAN (App::wordlist)
- Day 16: Making tab completion setup seamless for users (App::shcompgen)
- Day 17: Checking process existence and listing processes (Proc::Find)
- Day 18: Checking unsaved files (File::Unsaved)
- Day 19:
Tracing your Perl program's execution (App::plstrace)
- Day 20:
Creating test databases (Test::WithDB)
- Day 21:
Checking if a string contains shell wildcard (String::Wildcard::Bash)
- Day 22:
Safer system() alternative (Sys::Run::Safer)
- Day 23:
App::chart and Text::Chart
- Day 24:
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