
I'm in the process of releasing DotCloud::Environment, a module that should ease the developer's life with providing a unified entry point to get dotCloud's configurations for an application.

A typical case I had while playing with dotCloud was that I could easily deploy an application, but I had no simple way to setup a basic test environment in my development machine. This is unfortunate because it shifts all testing on the deployed infrastructure.

When you create an application on dotCloud, you're probably going to have some services that resolve to code you have to write, other ones that resolve to data you're going to populate or use. The link that allows a code service to access a data service is the file /home/dotcloud/environment.json (or its equivalent YAML representation /home/dotcloud/environment.yml), so you know where to look for when you are in the deployed environment.

What happens when you are in your development environment? You're basically on your own - you have to figure out that you're not in dotCloud, find some place where to put the configuration, etc. etc. In a few words: boring stuff that you don't need.

DotCloud::Environment's goal is to streamline and simplify the process, providing a unified interface to access dotCloud's configuration in whatever environment you are. It has a default mode that should fit the typical case, while letting you decide that your setup needs some customisations.

A Typical Directory Layout

(for some definition of typical, of course)

In order to keep your code clean, you will probably be dividing it depending on the functional block that will be deployed as a service in dotCloud. Suppose that you have a frontend service, a backend service and a database; you probably have the following directory layout:

+- dotcloud.yml
+- backend
|  | ...
|  +- lib
|     +-
+- frontend
|  | ...
|  +- lib
|     +-
+- lib

Each service is put into a separate directory and all the code that they both use (e.g. functions to connect to databases) is put in a common lib directory.

Where Should I Put My Local Configuration?

The main goal is to let it find the right environment.json (or, equivalently, environment.yml) depending on the environment you are into. If you are in dotCloud there is actually no problem, because by default the right /home/dotcloud/environment.json file is selected; for your local development the best thing to do is to put the configuration file in the project's root directory, which becomes like this:

+- dotcloud.yml
+- backend
|  | ... 
|  +- lib
|     +-
+- frontend
|  | ... 
|  +- lib
|     +-
+- lib
|  +-
+- environment.json

Putting the file in that position lets DotCloud::Environment find it by default when no /home/dotcloud/environment.json file (or the equivalent YAML file) is found in the system. Which hopefully is the case of your development environment.

Of course you should customise this environment.json/environment.yml file to suit your needs in the development environment, following the same rules that dotCloud uses to generate it. It's quite straightforward so you should not have problems with this.

And Now?

Now you're ready to use DotCloud::Environment!

In your code services you will probably need to access the shared library only. DotCloud::Environment helps you find the directory to provide to use lib via the path_for function:

# -- in and --
use DotCloud::Environment 'path_for';
use lib path_for('lib');
use Shared ...;

On the other hand, in your shared library you will probably need to access the actual configurations for the environment you are in. The most straightforward way to do this is via the dotvars function, that provides you an (anonymous on request) hash containing the relevant configurations for the service you need:

# -- in --
use DotCloud::Environment 'dotvars';

# ... when you need it... 
my $vars = dotvars('service-name');

For example, suppose that you want to implement a function to connect to a Redis service called redisdb and a function to connect to a MySQL service called sqldb:

use DotCloud::Environment 'dotvars';
sub get_redis {
   my $vars = dotvars('redisdb');  # getting an anonymous hash

   require Redis;
   my $redis = Redis->new(server => "$vars->{host}:$vars->{port}");
   return $redis;
sub get_sqldb {
   my %vars = dotvars('redisdb'); # getting a hash
   my ($host, $port, $user, $pass)
         = @vars{qw< host port login password >}

   require DBI;
   my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:host=$host;port=$port;database=db",
                          $user, $pass, {RaiseError => 1});

Of course you can use dotvars directly in and, but you will probably benefit from refactoring your common code to avoid duplications.

Minor Customisations

If you don't like how dotvars (or any other function in the functional interface) is named, you can take advantage of the fact that Sub::Exporter is used behind the scenes. This lets you do this:

use DotCloud::Environment
   dotvars => { -as => 'dotcloud_variables_for' };
my %vars = dotcloud_variables_for('my-service');

Major Customisations

DotCloud::Environment lets you play with an interface that is wider than just using path_for and dotvars, of course, in addition on not strictly requiring you to put the development configuration file in the suggested position. You're encouraged to take a look at the full documentation; in case you want to position your file in some fixed position, you can use the environment variable DOTCLOUD_ENVIRONMENT.


Do you like dotCloud? I do, and now I think that I'll find it a bit easier to develop stuff that is (dot)Cloud-ready (to use some buzz-expression).

1 Comment

Hi Yeah I'm using it I think it is great. I use Dancer and just use the development environment setup provided by that when developing locally. My app uses Perl, Dancer and mongoDB on Dot cloud and I found it dead easy to get setup it is a great product.

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About Flavio Poletti
