July 2015 Archives

Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible Presentation

Andrew Beverly is going to talk about https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible at the Perl Dancer Conference.

This talk will give an overview of what's now possible with very little code, including user registration, password resets and the management of user details.

Perl Dancer Conference 2015 - Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for the Perl Dancer Conference 2015 in Vienna is now open!

We are accepting presentations in a wide range of topics, for example Dancer, Modern Perl, DBIx::Class, Perl "products" and security. Of course, we are open for any idea and submission.

The submission deadline is August 31th, midnight CET. Talks are reviewed and possibly accepted as we receive them.

Please use the online form for submitting your talk.

About Stefan Hornburg (Racke)

user-pic I blog about Perl.