Running a Mojolicious non-lite app on a cPanel VPS server
I've used cPanel/WHM for a very long time as a personal server manager, and up until recently it's served my purposes pretty well.
However since getting into the Mojolicious framework and a few other Perl modules that require a Perl version greater than the 5.8 that cPanel is currently tied into, it's become a bit of a nightmare trying to run any Modern Perl apps on it.
While there is some Mojolicious documentation around running an app on Apache, I thought I'd document the exact steps I took to get a non-lite app up & running on my Hostgator server (although I'm sure it would work equally well for Dreamhost etc or other shared hosting solutions):
The steps I took were:
- Install perlbrew in the user account (not root) you want to run the Mojolicious app on
- Append the following to your ~/.bash_profile file to add the perlbrew command to your path (then exit & reload your shell):
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
- Install Perl 5.10+ using perlbrew (you may need to use the --force option). Then switch to that version by default (as per instructions on the perlbrew website)
- Install Mojolicious and any other required modules using cpan minus (the main CPAN app crashed on my VPS)
- Change the shebang line in your main Mojolicious Perl script (ie script/appname) to point to the perlbrew version in use. I set up a symlink in the user's home directory for this as the path was quite long (see below).
- You may also want to add a symlink to the relevant lib directory if you find it's not in the @INC path (also see below).
- Edit your .htaccess file - this required a lot of fiddling around but this worked for me:
# set apache handler to treat your specified script name(s) as a CGI program
Options +ExecCGI
<Files ~ "(appname)$">
SetHandler cgi-script
# rewrite any requests into the app
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ script/appname/$1 [L]
- Then you need to alter the main script's shebang line and add 1-2 more lines to the top of your script:
# in my case the above points to:
# /home/username/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.2/bin/perl
# set env variable to use root for pretty URLs
# cpanm in perlbrew appears to install into the following directory by default:
# /home/username/perl5/lib/perl5/
# this isn't in perlbrew's @INC path it seems so I set up a symlink and added a 'use lib' statement
use lib qw(/home/username/user-perl-lib-symlink);
All being well this should give you a fully functioning Mojolicious app behind a default Apache install, on a limited access cPanel shared or VPS server.
If you've got any improvements to this process I'd love to hear them!
* Credit to the thread on Google Groups for a couple of these fixes:
The next major release of cPanel will ship with a much more recent perl:
Fingers crossed for that... I remember seeing on their forums about a year ago that they had that slotted in for 11.34 :/
On simple shared hosting but with SSH access
One can also use ActivePerl with the same success.
Here is an example:
In your scrips you can simply have:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
provided that you have added the folder with your perl to your $PATH environment variable