January 2010 Archives

Debugging B::C, fixing method_named (part 4)

In the first B::C debugging article we stepped into the B::C compiler with Od.
We saw that the compiler is missing a method_named sub (aka a package->method call), the most typical problem with the compiler.
In the ="https://blogs.perl.org/users/rurban/2010/01/debugging-bc-the-workaround-part-3…

Debugging B::C, the workaround (part 3)

In the first B::C debugging article we stepped into the B::C compiler with Od.
We saw that the compiler is missing a sub in a seperate package, the most typical
problem with the current compiler. (since 1995)

We have a cool workaround for this, the -u option for "use".

Debugging B::C, gdb into it (part 2)

At the previous entry Debugging B::C, hitting the recursion depth I showed how attack a typical B::C problem, how to use the perl level debugger

However we found no error in the compiler at a first glance.
Inspecting the generated c code we see for the perl code

package dummy;sub meth{print "ok"};package main;dummy->meth

parts of the optree as


Debugging B::C, hitting the recursion depth

The nature of the data driven perl compiler is hitting the perl debuggers recursion limit, even on one-liners.

Consider this bug: [CPAN #53889]

package dummy;sub meth{print "ok"};package main;dummy->meth

The compiler does not detect the meth sub in the dummy package.

  $ perl -MO=C,-DcOACMSGpo,-v,-oa.c -e 'package dummy;
                 sub meth{print "ok"};package main;dummy->meth'
  $ cc_harness a.c
  $ ./a

Can't locate object method…

About Reini Urban

user-pic Working at cPanel on cperl, B::C (the perl-compiler), parrot, B::Generate, cygwin perl and more guts, keeping the system alive.