Debugging B::C, fixing method_named (part 4)

In the first B::C debugging article we stepped into the B::C compiler with Od.
In the second B::C debugging article we stepped the c code with gdb.
We saw that the compiler is missing a method_named sub (aka a package->method call), the most typical problem with the compiler.
In the third B::C debugging article we saw the easy workaround, using -u to force using the package subs from the package given in the -u option.

Now let's finally fix this bug which was introduced with the addition of the opcode method_named forever.
Looking at the source of pp_method_named() we see that the package name is a PV at
[PL_stack_base+TOPMARK+1], and the method name is at the stack.
Looking at the illguts stack page, inspecting the optree generator in op.c and debugging into pp_method_named we confirm that the missing package PV is the SVOP->sv of the previous op. The name of the CONST.

(gdb) b S_method_common
(gdb) c
S_method_common (meth=0x148c060, hashp=0xc1cb0c) at pp_hot.c:3039
(gdb) p name
$2 = 0x14930dc "meth"
(gdb) p *sv
$3 = {sv_any = 0x1471138, sv_refcnt = 1, sv_flags = 134235141, sv_u = {
    svu_iv = -5931823458978044120, svu_uv = 12514920614731507496,
    svu_rv = 0x148e728, svu_pv = 0x148e728 "dummy", svu_array = 0x148e728,
    svu_hash = 0x148e728, svu_gp = 0x148e728}}
(gdb) p **(PL_stack_base+1)
$9 = {sv_any = 0x1471138, sv_refcnt = 1, sv_flags = 134235141, sv_u = {
    svu_iv = -5931823458978044120, svu_uv = 12514920614731507496,
    svu_rv = 0x148e728, svu_pv = 0x148e728 "dummy", svu_array = 0x148e728,
    svu_hash = 0x148e728, svu_gp = 0x148e728}}

When we look in for method_named we see that is a combined
SVOP_OR_PADOP, a SVOP unthreaded and a PADOP threaded. So we have to
fix two methods, B::SVOP::save and B::PADOP::save to store the
undetected cv for method_named.

The compiler just walks the ops but does not store away the optree, so
we have no access to the previous op.

So we need to add

if ($op->name eq 'method_named') {
my $cv = method_named($sv);

to the SVOP and PADOP save methods and add the helper function to get us the cv.

sub method_named {
  my $sv = shift;
  my $name = $sv->PVX;
  # Note: the pkg PV is at PL_stack_base+TOPMARK+1,
  # the previous op->sv->PVX. We store it away in op->_save_common.
  my $stash = $package_pv ? $package_pv."::" : "main::";
  $name = $stash . $name;
  warn "save method_name \"$name\"\n" if $debug{cv};
  return svref_2object( \&{$name} );

Fortunately we have a common method for all ops, where we can store
away the $package_pv for any upcoming method_named op.

sub B::OP::_save_common {
  my $op = shift;
  if ($op->next 
      and $op->next->can('name')
      and $op->next->name eq 'method_named')
    # need to store away the pkg pv
    $package_pv = $op->sv->PVX;

Test it:

$ t/ 35
PASS => 'ok'

We just fixed one of the oldest compiler bugs, the methodcall syntax: pkg->method.
It's not fixed for CC, because CC unrolls the runops loop and does not use B::OP::_save_common. In CC the most common ops have their own optimized method.

The testsuite
make test (~2 min with the current perl) and
perlall-maketest (~20 min for all installed perls) and
perltestvm (~60min for all installed perls in all accessible platforms - cygwin, mingw, msvc6, freebsd, debian, gentoo, centos, solaris, ...)
confirms that.

Let's look what the biggest testsuite, cpantesters, says.
make dist, upload to pause and wait for the smoke.

About Reini Urban

user-pic Working at cPanel on cperl, B::C (the perl-compiler), parrot, B::Generate, cygwin perl and more guts, keeping the system alive.