ANSI Game Engine Archives

Developing A Game Engine with Perl: Part 7 - Fork


If you want to start reading from the beginning. Check out the first article in this series

Continuing from our last post, I talked about how ANSI Game Engine is a ="…

Developing A Game Engine with Perl: Part 6 - A Colourful Telnet Server

I'll stop reminding you that... I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.

If you want to start reading from the beginning. Check out the first article in this series

What is ANSI Game Engine?

Well, at it's core, ANSI Game Engine is a very colourful and interactive telnet server.


Developing A Game Engine with Perl: Part 5 - 32bit -> 64bit & Perl's Storable

If you haven't heard already... I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.

If you want to start reading from the beginning. Check out the first article in this series

Continuing on with the…

Developing A Game Engine with Perl : Part 4 - UEFI vs OpenSuSE Installer

I'm still learning so remember... I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.

If you want to start reading from the beginning. Check out the first article in this series

Continuing on with the last article let's talk about old…

Developing A Game Engine with Perl: Part 3 - Hardware Failure & Server Upgrade


Continuing from the last article, let's talk about the hardware failures and server upgrade.

  • Mouse Input Support
  • Hardware Failure
  • Server Upgrade
  • UEFI vs OpenSuSE Installer
  • 32bit -> 64bit & Perl's Storable

Developing A Game Engine with Perl : Part 2 - Mouse Input

Let me start by saying.... I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.

Literally, developing a game engine is not on my resume... yet! So any code or ways of doing anything you read here, is just what I've figured out and works for me, which by no means should suggest to you that it is the proper way to do what ever it may be. Please consult your local guru first.

OK, now that we have that established... Please consider the following as entertainment and should you learn along the way with me, that's wonderful!

Now, by the time of writing this article, I am s…

About Shawn Holland

user-pic Sharing what I learn along the journey of developing ANSI Game Engine