July 2013 Archives

Contribute to Perl by completing quests on Questhub

Initially launched as Play Perl, Questhub is now a general place where groups of people can share their tasks as quests, and vote on quests to encourage each other. Play Perl is now the Perl realm on Questhub.

Contributing to Perl and the Perl community was never so easy. Last week Questhub gained support for stencils: pre-scripted quests with clear instructions, and bonus points. The perl realm now has an initial set of stencils, each of which defines a specific way you can contribute to Perl, CPAN or the Perl Foundation. Some of these only require a few minutes, some require a larger commitment of your time.

About Vyacheslav Matyukhin

user-pic I wrote Ubic. I worked at Yandex for many years, and now i'm building my own startup questhub.io (formerly PlayPerl). I'm also working on Flux, streaming data processing framework. CPAN ID: MMCLERIC.