Matthew Horsfall (alh)
Recent Actions
Posted Perl QA Hackathon 2015 Recap to Matthew Horsfall
A few weeks ago was the Perl QA Hackathon in wonderful Berlin, Germany.
I attended like I have for the last 3 years, as I love to get a chance to hang out in person with many of the people I see online daily, and I get a huge boost of motivation surrounding the event. It's also a great tim…
Posted Looking for new maintainer for Memcached::libmemcached to Matthew Horsfall
Howdy folks.
I offered to help Tim Bunce maintain Memcached::libmemcached earlier this year and managed to get a single release out with a few fixes.
I intended a second release to solve some compilation issues, but never got around it, and I'm not sure I ever will - there's still …
Commented on PPI 1.218 has been released - bug fixes, speed optimizations, tests, doc improvements
No sir, thank you!...
Posted Perl QAH 2014 Recap to Matthew Horsfall
This year's Perl QA Hackathon has come and gone. I had an amazing time, and
The QA Hackathon is a gathering with the purpose of improving Perl's toolchain, testing infrastructure, and other bits surrounding language development and usage. At it's core …
Commented on Perl 5.19.x performance improvements
Ævar/stu42j, I'll cover those when I write the other posts....
Commented on Perl 5.19.x performance improvements
Alright, I'll update the blog post when I get a chance and write another more detailed explanation of the changes. Thanks. -- Matthew Horsfall (alh)...
Posted Perl 5.19.x performance improvements to Matthew Horsfall
Perl 5.19.9 was released today, and it includes some exciting new features like subroutine signatures, and postfix dereferencing.
The 5.19.X line also includes a number of optimisations that I'd like to discuss briefly, without going into too much detail (I hope).
Combined and/or …
Posted Devel::Quick - Simple DB::DB routines on the fly to Matthew Horsfall
Just wanted to share a new little debugging tool, Devel::Quick.
It allows you to write DB::DB subroutines on the fly, and provides a few variables by default to make things simpler.
DB::DB (the DB subroutine under the DB package) -- if defined when Perl is run …
Posted Introducing Devel::Nopeep, Devel::GDB::Breakpoint, and Devel::GDB::Parser::Breakpoint to Matthew Horsfall
I've created 3 new modules to help me out when working on the Perl core; I'm sharing them in the event others find them useful.
They are:
This module disables the peephole optimiser so that you can see …
Posted Announcing Net::RNDC - Communicate with BIND through Perl to Matthew Horsfall
I often have need to communicate with ISC's BIND programattically and I haven't found any libraries out there to do that.
Often, what you'll see is a wrapper around BIND's rndc utility that forks, execs, passes it arguments, and then parses t…
Commented on Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
Nice slideshow. However, Slide 21 incorrectly hints that "if (defined $value)" and "if ($value)" are the same......

Comment Threads
Alex Balhatchet commented on
Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
@pyrimidine - thanks for the typo correction :)
@nxadm - thanks! would you mind if I used that photo on blog.nestoria.co.uk?
@SawyerX - good to see you too! Playing with Dancer a bit, will have to get on IRC and pick your brains sometime!
@Matthew - sorry for the confusion re: defined() vs truthiness, I did say in my talk that they were different but obviously that doesn't come through in the slides. If/when I update it for YAPC I'll see what I can do to make things clearer :) Also note that the "warn()" and "print STDERR" examples do different things too ;)
nxadm.wordpress.com commented on
Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
Alex, no problem. Use the picture.

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