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Posted Are roles only semantically different from inheritance? to sillymoose
I've been using roles lately and was going to write about them on perltricks.com. However I've come into difficulty in explaining how roles are functionally different from inheritance.
I've found that the typical features described about roles in contrast to inheritance are:
Commented on Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1
Joel,thanks for posting, it was especially cool to see the comparison between the blocking and non-blocking code examples....
Commented on Velociraptor Perl Nerd Merit Badge
Oh yeah this looks awesome. Do you need to reach $800 in order to have the badges made, or will a lower total suffice?...
Commented on Interview with Larry Wall
Wow - thanks for posting!...
Posted NYC Tech Meetup - Code Crew @ Alley NYC to sillymoose
Last Sunday I went to Code Crew's Collaborative Coding meetup.
The event takes place every Sunday at Alley NYC. The midtown venue is a shared office space open between 12-4pm with room for 100+ hackers, power, wifi and kitche…
Posted WWW::betfair - a Perl API for the World's largest betting exchange to sillymoose
Recently I released version 1.00 of WWW::betfair. It provides an OO Perl Programming interface to the betfair API.
betfair is a sports betting services provider best known for hosting the largest s…
Commented on New feature: automatic post truncation
This is great news - thank you!...
Commented on Kegler spam
I enjoy reading Jeffrey's posts and am grateful that he re-posts here else I might miss some of his articles....
Posted Common reasons a module won't install to sillymoose
Hi All,
Everyone knows how frustrating it can be to try and fail to install a Perl module. I'm writing an article that will help people troubleshoot the common causes of a module not installing. I've made a list below but have I missed any common installation issues that you've experienced…
Commented on Once More Unto The Breach
WOOHOOO! Are you looking for help?...
Commented on First inchstone.
Dude congrats on reaching the first inchstone. Sounds like an awesome project - good luck with it!...
Commented on Slideshows in Vroom: So Noted
As a VI loyalist you didn't offend me once. Thanks for posting!...
Commented on Visualizing Dependencies On Stratopan
I think it looks great. Can you animate the initial load of the library to spiral out from a small dot to full size? Just an idea....
Commented on Learning from other industries, part 1 of n
I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for posting....
Commented on You Are Invited To The Stratopan Beta
I tested this on a different machine and Chrome and IE9 go straight to the page without warning. However on the same machine, using Firefox v20.1 I got the following warning: This Connection is Untrusted You have asked Firefox to...
Commented on You Are Invited To The Stratopan Beta
This looks great - I've signed up! Is your SSL certificate self-issued? I got a security warning from Firefox when I visited https://stratopan.com...
Posted perltricks.com - a new Perl website to sillymoose
I've started a new Perl website at perltricks.com. Through the website I'm publishing articles on all things Perl such as basic syntax guides,
Commented on Crowd funding Pinto
This looks like a great opportunity, thanks for posting....
Commented on What exactly is going on at Perlmonks?
Seems like an over-reaction ......
Commented on Encouraging bloggers to use the 'extended' feature
Put a word limit on the abstract....
Commented on Web Scraping with Perl & PhantomJS
Thanks for writing this article - I do a lot of QA testing with Selenium, but wasn't aware of Phantom.js. Also the comments were helpfful too - can't believe there is an HTMLUnit Perl binding ... I didn't think to...

Comment Threads
rsanchez1990 commented on
Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1
To me, Mojolicious and Dancer look very similar on the surface. The introduction tutorials for both have almost identical syntax. Is non-blocking one advantage that Mojolicious has over Dancer?
Joel Berger commented on
Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1
Yes most of the frameworks have a similar syntax, even in other language to some extent. Non-blocking is a feature that Mojolicious provides and (to my knowledge) no other framework does (at least not built-in and well integrated).
Mojolicious also has lots of additional built-in functionality that others pull from external modules. While some have called this anti-cpan (which I think is silly, Mojolicious is on cpan), this allows for these functionalities to be well integrated in Mojolicious. See my Mojolicious Introduction…
Gustaf commented on
Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1
Would be of tremendous appreciation if you would consider a rewrite of this Mojo series for current Mojolicious.
I’m struggling to get a hang of it all, and the example code here dont work on current Mojo version.
Really great reading tho.
Gustaf commented on
Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1
Sorry for speaking to soon. Fresh coffe did it for me, I missed some typos from my part.
David Cantrell commented on
Learning from other industries, part 1 of n
I'm now blogging elsewhere. Part 2 is here: https://dev.to/drhyde/learning-from-other-industries-part-2-of-n-4dj3

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.