- Website: barbie.missbarbell.co.uk
- About:
Leader of Birmingham.pm and a CPAN author. Co-organised YAPC::Europe in 2006. Responsible for the YAPC Conference Surveys, helping to improve YAPCs every year. Also the current caretaker for the CPAN Testers websites and data stores.
If you really want to find out more, buy me a Guinness. Just don't ask the obvious ... Grep has been for 10 years and is still no closer ;)
Memoirs of a Roadie
Birmingham Perl Mongers
CPAN Testers Reports
YAPC Conference Surveys
Recent Actions
Posted Montage of Brian to Barbie
Further to my last post about Brian McCauley, his wife Sam has a request for photos any of us may have taken over the years of Brian, so that she can used them to create a montage at his memorial.
If you have anything you'd like to submit, perhaps from a YAPC or other Perl event, please se…
Posted Brian McCauley (1967-2015) to Barbie
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news that Brian McCauley passed away yesterday morning.
Posted A Year of CPAN Uploads to Barbie
On Thursday, 19th March 2015 I uploaded my 366th consecutive release to CPAN. To most that may well be "meh, whatever!", but for me it has been an exhausting yet fulfilling exercise. The last 60 days though, were undoubtably the hardest to achieve.
Commented on YAPC::Europe 2014 Survey results are online
Thanks Book. Sorry cut-n-pasted from my dev site. Fixed....
Posted YAPC::Europe 2014 Survey results are online to Barbie
The YAPC::Europe 2014 survey results are now online.
If you'd like to read more about my follow-up, please see my blog entry.
Posted GPW2014 & NLPW2014 Survey results to Barbie
The workshop surveys for the German and Dutch Perl Workshops are now online, and you can see them at the following links:
- Deutscher Perl-Workshop 2014 - Survey Results
- ="http://yapc-surveys.org/html/nlpw2…
Posted My 2014 QA Hackathon to Barbie
My write-up of this year's QA Hackathon in Lyon can be found on my blog. Many thanks to BooK and Elbeho for organising another great event.
Posted LPW2013 Survey Results to Barbie
The 2013 London Perl Workshop Conference Survey results are now online.
Although percentage wise the submissions are up, the actual number of respondents are just slightly lower than previous years. Though it has to be said I'm…
Posted YE2013 & PPW2013 Survey Results online to Barbie
I've now uploaded the survey results for YAPC::Europe 2013 and The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop…
Commented on Volunteer! Time series stats of new PAUSE ids
Ah you mean this graph that's been a part of CPAN Testers Statistics from quite a few years ;) http://stats.cpantesters.org/trends.html Click on the graph to see the trends over the years....
Commented on Missing YAPC::Europe
I too will not be there :( so it looks like Leo has won :) I believe last year there was only the three of us that were left, having attended every single YAPC::Europe. Assuming that Leo is going of...
Posted YAPC::NA 2013 - The Results Are Out to Barbie
The YAPC::NA 2013 Conference Survey results are now online.
Commented on Figures from Week One of London Perl Workshop
A minor point, but to encourage those who don't know where to sign-up, a link to the site would be good :) Plus it might help with SEO ;)...
Posted YAPC Conference Surveys Update to Barbie
Last night I managed to get all the talk and tutorial feedback emails out to the speakers from YAPC::NA 2013. If you were a speaker at the event, and haven't received an email from me, first check your spam filters, and then contact me, and I can resend…
Posted QA Hackathon Website Update to Barbie
The QA Hackathon website has had a bit of an update today. Primarily a new page and new photos have been added, but plenty of other updates have been included too.
Commented on QA Hackathon Website on GitHub
Done :) Thanks Gabor....
Posted QA Hackathon Website on GitHub to Barbie
Not before time, I have finally released the underlying files that run the main QA Hackathon website. If you want to have a play, please go to the following GitHub repo:
Posted YAPC::Europe 2012 - The Survey Results to Barbie
The Conference Survey Results for YAPC::Europe 2012 are now online.
Many thanks to the 124 respondents, who made up 37% of the attendees. Although we…
Commented on The return of CPANDB and the (alpha) Top 100 website
You might want to look at an alternative to the cpanstats.db, as it will be decommissioned at some point. It currently has far too many errors, which don't seem to disappear even when recreating the SQLite DB from scratch. The...
Posted UsePerl and Other Stories to Barbie
I've just released new versions of my use.perl distributions, WWW-UsePerl-Journal and WWW-UsePerl-Journal-Thread. As use.perl became decommisioned at the end of…
Commented on The Conference T-Shirts
Brilliant, save a long sleeve for me ;) They can be really handy for the gigs I do during the winter months :) Love the back-print....
Posted YAPC::NA 2012 - The Survey Results to Barbie
The Conference Survey Results for YAPC::NA 2012 are now online.
Many thanks to the 165 respondents, who made up 37% of the attendees. Although the re…
Posted YAPC::NA 2012 - Talk Evaluations sent to Barbie
The talk & tutorial evaluations have now been sent out to all the speakers from YAPC::NA 2012 in Madison. If you were a speaker and haven't received your evaluation, please check your spam folder first. If you still can't find it, email me and I'll resend you a…
Posted Every Day Is Exactly The Same to Barbie
Recently Mark Keating of the Enlightened Perl Organisation created a new Google Calendar for Perl community events, particularly for Perl Monger group meetings. As I haven't been updating…
Posted YAPC::NA 2012 Survey now closes Saturday to Barbie
Due to server issues last night, a number of people were unable to submit their surveys. As such I have now reset the deadline to midnight on Saturday, so you have an extra day to complete your surveys and evaluations.
Unfortunately, the backup process ran last night and filled up the disk…
Commented on YAPC::NA 2012 Survey closes Friday
The backup maxed out the server this morning. All sorted now. Sorry for the disruption....
Posted YAPC::NA 2012 Survey closes Friday to Barbie
The Conference Surveys for YAPC::NA 2012 will close this Friday. Of the 447 listed attendees, we've had 110 responses to the main conference survey, 404 talk evaluations and 7 course evaluations. All this is great, but it would be even greater to see even more responses.
If you attended th…
Commented on CPAN is all broken, now
In that case, I would consider your changes to be broken. See: http://www.cpantesters.org/cpan/report/33267be8-a901-11e1-b995-c5a3320db69d Now have a look at the POD in that file, it's all ASCII. There is a UTF-8 character in the file, but not in the POD....
Commented on Cross Posting to blogs.perl.org
Could you elaborate on how you got the API key. I tried following the instructions you pointed at, but dev.blogs.perl.org doesn't exist. Doing the same for blogs.perl.org doesn't show any "Web Services Password" or "Reveal" text or link, on the...
Posted Parisienne Walkways - 2012 QA Hackathon (Part 2) to Barbie
And so to the final part of my notes from the 2012 QA Hackathon.
After asking several times, Andreas thought he finally understood what the dates mean on the…

Comment Threads
acme commented on
Missing YAPC::Europe
Leo's not making it. I think Nicholas might win that prize...
john napiorkowski commented on
Missing YAPC::Europe
I was wondering that if you can't go, perhaps there's other ways you can participate? For example I imagine there's going to be some videos, and it would be great to have someone watching stuff and reporting on it, or someone just doing some more general reporting and advocacy,
- Neil Bowers commented on Missing YAPC::Europe
hanekomu commented on
Missing YAPC::Europe
YAPC::Asia, of course. :) We've both been there in 2008; would be nice to see you there again.
Ron Savage commented on
Volunteer! Time series stats of new PAUSE ids
Hi Barbie
Yes, that's the one.
It's like not being a millionaire - Someone else beat me to it....

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