Matthew Persico
- About: I was never in love with C or SQL like this...
Recent Actions
Commented on MariaDB 10 and Perl DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
I took the liberty of posting this to r/perl because I thought it was important and needed more eyeballs....
Commented on Of Go, C, Perl and fastq file conversion Vol II : the Jedi regex
The text "In contrast to popular and misguided opinion" is underlined but it does not resolve to a link. Is this intended?...
Commented on When Saif Met Sarah
I am so upset. I also didn't connect you with your software. That will teach me to make sure I introduce myself to people I don't recognize instead of just hanging with the people I do. I look forward to...
Commented on ChatGPT for Perl Learning
And no, I am not *that* Matt. :-)...
Commented on ChatGPT for Perl Learning
And yet, that's not how younger generations consume information. They are much more interactive than those of us who you might consider to be "Perl veterans". Think videos and short blogs vs. books and long blocks of text. I'll also...
Commented on This week in PSC (099) | 2023-03-03
Is there a link to the RFCs (future PPCs)?...
Commented on What does ChatGPT think about improving Perl?
This is scary, scary stuff. At least Curtis should be pleased....
Commented on Class::Plain - Class Syntax for Hash-Based Perl OO
The inclusion of a Cookbook ( is a fine example for others to emulate....
Commented on Casting Perls before Splines
What were you drinking when you wrote this... and can I have some? :-)...
Commented on Types, Objects, and Systems, Oh my!
Two thoughts: 1) Signatures are now enabled by default in 5.36 onward ( An OO system (Corinna ( appears to be making its way into core. How do you see these as affecting Venus? 2) What is the speed penalty,...
Commented on RFC: new API for Type::Params
I agree. At the top you can put a blurb like: Note: This module was given a "facelift" in 2022 with a more natural API. These docs have been revamped to feature the new API prominently, but the old API's...
Commented on RFC: new API for Type::Params
--modern. I could live with that....
Commented on RFC: new API for Type::Params
TIL Type::Params :-) Not having any practical experience with it and referring to just the examples, I feel the second syntax is much cleaner. Certainly, getting rid of compile_named_oo is a win. However, I don't think the Perl world needs...
Commented on Numeric Variable Names With Leading Zeroes
Why not publish it? It's valid, no? Or is running it just a waste of time since it's a syntax error?...
Commented on Sorting Subroutine Results
Most of the time I use sort BLOCK LIST. I recall having written some rather long blocks that probably should have been refactored as functions. Maybe the explanation of needing & is why I never did. I'll try to remember...
Commented on The Perl Advent Calendar 2022 Call for Papers is Now Open
Brilliant. Thank you for stepping up....
Commented on Smart Match in CPAN
It's not that stupid; *I* noticed and made a suggestion which you took. Seems like it worked to me! :-)...
Commented on Smart Match in CPAN
That's an excellent, important piece of detective work. Are you going to post a link to it in p5p to get their attention? Also, these are the most recent versions as of 6/24, right?...
Commented on Core Modules: <code>filetest</code>
Just wanted to say "Thank You". These posts have been quite informative....
Posted Enlarging the Perlosphere to Matthew Persico
Although they may be an anthema to many, there are many active Perl communities on Facebook. The primary ones I subscribe to are
Perl Programmers -
Commented on Replay/Debug/Test Cron Events With Cron::Sequencer
I can see the being extremely useful. A quick perusal of the blog and the code doesn't reveal to me how/why the times are in UTC; where are you picking up the delta?...
Commented on Начнём пожалуй
Go for it! I wonder why Google Chrome did not offer to translate the page......
Commented on The ordering operators
I've been Perling since 1997 and I don't think I ever thought about using the comp operators outside of sort() before today. TIL....
Commented on Access the Tesla API with Perl!
Who was the person who showed up with the DeLorean at one of the Perl Conferences (I think it was the DC one)?...
Commented on The benefits of change, from an amateur's objective perspective.
Brilliant! A design that evolved into objects instead of cramming the design into objects. That's the right way to write code: get something working. Refactor. Evolve. Nicely done....
Commented on The Quickest Way to Set Up HTTPS
Commented on berrybrew version 1.36 released!
Talk to these folks: EPO SPONSORS THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS Meta::Cpan – CPAN Testers – Strawberry Perl – The Perl Conference – London Perl Workshop – Perl @ FOSDEM...
Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge 130: Odd Number and Binary Search Tree
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature qw/say/; my %histo; $histo{$_} ? delete $histo{$_} : $histo{$_}++ for (2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2); say join " ", keys %histo; Keeps less data around....
Commented on My Favorite Warnings: <code>redundant</code> and <code>missing</code>
Can we get a link to the first desultory entry? :-)...
Commented on My Favorite Warnings: <code>redundant</code> and <code>missing</code>
I had no idea that 'no' could take an 'if'. And I've been Perling since 1996....
Comment Threads
vkavalov commented on
ChatGPT for Perl Learning
Perl is like the sharp guy in the back office who can solve any problem fast and efficiently. Doesn't care about the "fashion du jour" - just what works and is efficient. And then are the "me too"s, who spent their time sensing the daily winds and making sure they are sexier than the next one. And that's how they win the hearts and minds of the most young and superficial minds. But every now and then there is a "fashion" that is the real thing and somehow perl made a few bad bets.
… -
Saif commented on
When Saif Met Sarah
LOL none of us look like our avatars in real life. Look forward to f2f interactions in the future!
Brett Estrade commented on
When Saif Met Sarah
Great to meet you at the TPRC, Saif!
chrisarg commented on
Of Go, C, Perl and fastq file conversion Vol II : the Jedi regex
Yes, it is intended to give emphasis :)
Dave Cross commented on
MariaDB 10 and Perl DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
Please consider turning this work into a pull request against the GitHub repository.
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