Brett Estrade
Recent Actions
Commented on This week in PSC (173) | 2024-12-20
> perl-41.8 Please don't....
- Posted PCC Winter '24 Follow-Up - Summer PCC Dates Announced! to Oodler 577
Commented on Objective Decisions
People who work on things people actually want or need tend to get the feedback. I think that's pretty obvious Object::Pad and Perl OO in general is not interesting and nobody is clammoring for it. It's a solved problem, meanwhile...
Commented on London Perl & Raku Workshop 2025 + 2024 Feedback
> The question also becomes - how do we reach those people and those who don't even know about the event ah-ha!.jpeg...
- Posted This Week! Perl Community Conference, Winter 2024 - Schedule Posted to Oodler 577
Commented on PPI Signatures Trial Release - Feedback Requested
Great info. I wouldn't comment, but you wrote ... > [r/perl] moderators decided to ban me I feel your pain, am also perma-banned due to mod overreach. FWIW, new incantation of the CAT doesn't even bother to issue transparency reports,...
Posted Registration is OPEN - Perl Community Conference, Winter 2024 to Oodler 577
The Perl Community Conference is a hybrid in-person-and-online event held on December 18th from 10:30a-4:30p CST. Perl's 37th birthday, featuring talks from the world's top Perl programmers and community members. Topics include artificial intelligence,…
Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
You misread that, I was apologizing to the members of the Science Perl Committee for the trouble I caused them in going rogue. The minutes have not yet been approved, thanks for pointing that out. It should (and will when...
Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
"davorg" is this not you? https://www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/1g4bnx0/comment/ls63bkr/ BTW, people outside of the US have been apparently ordering or shipping the book via "myus.com", https://www.myus.com/stores/how-to-ship-barnes-noble-us/....
Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
I'm sorry. We're just not interesting in using you as our publisher....
Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
Sigh. I'm sorry, David, I got a little overzealous and excited about the Journal; it made a misstep (one of many). I am unable to reply to that libelous r/perl thread due to the same mod who posted it banning...
Posted The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here! to Oodler 577
After hundreds of hours of work and support from lots of people, the long promised Journal is here. That link will take you to some more information, on there a link to purchase is available. All proceeds go to supporting future Issues and…
Commented on Board Reflections: Continued Experiences with The Perl Foundation
Did RGEOFFREY get his presented in Las Vegas? If he did, I do not remember it. In Toronto 2023, Mohammed (2022 winner) got to receive it and give a speech. https://whitecamel.org/p/mohammad_sajid_anwar.html In Las Vegas, 2024, Geoffrey (2023 winner) was there...
Posted Perl Community Conference / Science Perl Journal, Winter 2024 CALL FOR PAPERS NOW OPEN! (Deadline 9/30) to Oodler 577
Perl Community Conference / Science Perl Journal, Winter 2024
This virtual Conference on December 18th, 2024 is being called in conjunction with the cr…
Commented on New class of memory leaks inaugurated by Perl v5.40 (and we are unprepared for that)
Good find....
Commented on This week in PSC (157) | 2024-08-23
Should "did you use VERSION?" become the new "did you us strict and warnings?" I vote no. Initially this will strongly encourage people to use whatever version it is first the case that it implies use strict; use warnings; -...
Commented on Caching & Memoization with state variables
I love state variables, but oddly only use them when creating sub based state machine xD - which is typically just for show. But the idea of co-routines in Perl is nifty. I think E. Choroba means something like: sub...
Posted 2024 TPRC Submission Date Extended thru April 20th to Oodler 577
The deadline for talk and paper submissions to the 2024 TPRC has been Officially extended through April 20th for both the regular Perl and Raku tracks; and also the Science Track.
- Posted TPRC/Science Track Submission Dates and Deadlines Coming Fast! to Oodler 577
Posted CFP: Science Track Papers Needed at The Perl & Raku Conference to Oodler 577
- Science Track at The Perl & Raku Conference
- June 25 - 27, 2024 (talk dates)
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Commented on Using peppers with Crypt::Passphrase
Friendly suggestion, the term "recalling" makes it sound like the article is about to tell us to not use the module (as in to "recall" a product). Maybe just call it, "Peppers in Crypt::Passphrase". Idk, but that's what the title...
Posted (repost) TPRC 2024 Call For Papers is now open! to Oodler 577
If you have been following along with the efforts to add a Science Track to the TPRC, now is the time to seriously consider submitting a peer reviewed paper. The TPRC Call for Papers has opened with information on submitting to any of the 3 tracks. Note that the science papers are submitted to…
Posted February 08, 2024 @ 6pm CT ~ Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting to Oodler 577
February 08, 6pm CT ~ Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting 🔗 Thu Jan 25 2024
When: Thur February 8th at 6:00-8:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
Meeting ID: 920 069 702 -
Commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes
I am not good at coming up with contrived examples as evidenced in this Perl Advent article, https://perladvent.org/2023/2023-12-13.html But a set of cascading "if" blocks is not the most exciting example. However, any code could go in there to compute...
Commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes
> I don't see much advantage to Dispatch::Fu. While it adds a little syntactic sugar, it's really just an indirect way to do... That's the point, but it's more than sugar! The computational complexity of determining the dispatch "key" is...
Posted Perl & Raku Conference 2024 to Host a Science Track! to Oodler 577
I am very pleased to announce that the 2024 Perl & Raku Conference Planning Committee (TPRC) is moving forward with the addition of a new track that targets academic, governmental, and industrial STEM applications. It will strive to be organized as…
Posted An Option for Syntax Highlighting on blogs.perl.org to Oodler 577
I've struggled with the syntax highlighting here on this blog. I really want to use this site and I will continue to do so.
After trying in vain to get some "auto" syntax highlighting here via the editor, I reached for an old trick I've used in the past. Generating HTML using some external…
Posted Final Call - 2024 TPRC Science Track Survey to Oodler 577
We have had a good number of responses, but would like more. And time is running out! Please take this survey and share with your Perl contacts.
Survey URL: https://forms.gle/DDPWsNqEsZW8AyWX7
The track would target academic and ind…
Posted 2024 Perl Conference - Science Track Interest Survey to Oodler 577
Greetings Perl People!
There is a strong official consideration by The Perl and Raku Foundation of including a new kind of track to the 2024 Perl and Raku Conference in Las Vegas.
Commented on Config::Tiny V 2.30 supports keys with arrays as values
Nice. I'll have to check this with Util::H2O's recipe git a Config::Tiny's instance accessors. Util::H2O::More has a wrapper to do this....

Comment Threads
Makoto Nozaki commented on
Board Reflections: Continued Experiences with The Perl Foundation
Somewhat an important factor―I was unable to attend the 2024 conference and couldn't contribute much.
A better question is: what is the ideal format for celebrating the winners each year? In 2022, my first year, the schedule was irregular; we announced the winner at the June 2023 conference and presented the trophy there. In 2023, the winner was announced in December 2023, with the trophy shipped in the same month.
We should establish a consistent cycle where the winner is announced in December, and we celebrate again at the conference in the following June.
Dave Cross commented on
The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
Yes, that's obviously me. I've used the same handle pretty much everywhere on the internet for about twenty-five years.
I was offering free advice. But I'm sure that plenty of people would have given similar advice if asked.
Honestly, I don't think that me publishing your journal would have worked - our working practices are too different. I did mildly hijack that comment thread to push my own service but, hey, at least I didn't spam the whole of the Perl community :-)
Aristotle commented on
The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
Personal principle keeps me from throwing you off of b.p.o for this, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find it deeply embarrassing to be hosting such a marginally-apologetic spammer on the platform that I’m paying hundreds of bucks per year to keep running and have spent hundreds of hours of tedious labor to keep free of spam.
Saif commented on
Objective Decisions
LOL, Mrs Saif wants a version upgrade from me too...but really it isn't that traumatic. Her being upset comes from a good place. As do things that go in the Perl community. We have all different wants and needs, and "modernisation" is one goal that has many facets. I have tried Object::Pad, and I do find it makes things easier, and coding feels perhaps a bit more streamlined, and objects appear better encapsulated. As many people in the Perl community seem to want change as those who prefer the inertia of the existing way of working. If Perl usage is declining, and one wants to prevent…
davebaker commented on
Objective Decisions
Thanks for sharing! Well written, interesting.
You’re finding something that makes Perl more pleasurable to use. You’re concerned with Perl’s usage declining. Unless you’re the only one in the world who would experience this pleasure, it’s well worth our time to read about it. Making Perl more fun to use could generate more Perl users. Who knew?
Keep a-going!

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