David Mertens
- Website: github.com/run4flat/
- About: This is my blog about numerical computing with Perl.
Recent Actions
Posted Chicago.pm Virtual Meeting: July 23 to David Mertens
Chicago.pm will host a virtual Perl Mongers meeting July 23 at 6:30 pm (Chicago time).
Commented on Assert::Refute - a unified testing and assertion tool
This is great! Essentially all of my Perl is scientific code, and assertions would be a much simpler way to test things than a full test suite. A test suite requires decoupled implementations, which is not always practical for scientific...
Commented on SPVM is released! Perl maybe become much fast.
I see: you're tackling the same problem as rperl does, but with a different implementation approach. In fact, you're using the exact same implementation strategy as Perl itself, but focused on a strictly typed Perl-ish language. As a bonus, you're...
Commented on SPVM is released! Perl maybe become much fast.
Hello Yuki, I am a bit torn to learn about your work here. Performance is a big deal to me, so much so that I've started my own project to solve it. It seems like there is quite a bit...
Commented on Raspberry Pi becoming more prevalent?
Alas, I made a serious commitment to the BeagleBone Black (or Green) for my research. I thought about using the RPi, but the BBB has two independent processors, in addition to the main CPU, that I need for reliable high-rate...
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 13 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 12 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 11 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 10 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 9 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 8 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 7 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 6 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 5 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 4 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 3 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 2 to David Mertens
- Posted C::Blocks Advent Day 1 to David Mertens
Posted Research on how module authors "negotiate" breaking changes in software package managers to David Mertens
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Commented on These benchmarks seem wrong...
From Chris Marshall, who had trouble signing in to blogs.perl.org: Hi David, nice to see work again on C::Blocks. The mandelbrot algorithm is likely a pathological case for PDL-2.015 for a number of reasons: (1) PDL computations are basically memory...
Posted These benchmarks seem wrong... to David Mertens
Back in the fall of 2013 I began working on a project called C::Blocks. After some very long detours the project is finally coming to fruition. I recently took it for a spin on a benchmark from the benchmarksgame. The results? Let's just say I was very surprised.
Commented on PDL features I'd like to see in Perl 6
@Salvador, I have written quite a bit of autolooping code for PDL using PDL::PP. While I agree that it might be nice for the compiler to automatically figure things out, I have seen many circumstances in which the autolooping behavior...
Posted PDL features I'd like to see in Perl 6 to David Mertens
I recently asked around #perl6 as to a mailing list where I might discuss PDL features that I'd like to see in Perl 6.
Posted How Perl + StickK helped me get organized to David Mertens
The last three months have been some of the most professionally productive months I've had in years. In true Perl fashion, it all boils down to a Perl-related "hack" with StickK.com.
Commented on Ideas for perl.org.in | an Indian connecting platform
I think any sort of community building is a wonderful effort, to be commended. Solving a low-density issue is a hard problem, and the internet-based solutions you suggest sound like good ones. I can think of two basic issues you...
Commented on playing with Cairo
Hey Dmitry, Could this be sped up using PDL? As I'm sure you know, I would be *very* happy to have a Cairo-backed PDL::Graphics::Prima, so anything I can do to move this along I'll do. :-) Context for those unfamiliar:...
Posted DOIs for Perl Module tarballs, probably to David Mertens
A while back, Mark Fisher wrote about DOIs. As an academic, I asked about how I might cite a DOI for some Perl work. I was recently made aware of two possibilities.
Posted Lexical closures with END blocks warn, but Just Work to David Mertens
I was just impressed by the awesomeness of Perl. More testing revealed to me that "use 5.018" does not invoke "use warnings", which dampened my enthusiasm a little. But Perl is still pretty awesome. Here's the situation.
I write lots of Prima GUI applications. In this one (a presentation i…
Commented on Perl and Me, Part 6: Perl Is Engineering <i>and</i> Art
The first part of your post is beautiful! Thank you! The second, more rant-ish part of your post, is what I would say if I were as good a write as you: I have not one but two unpublished drafts...
Commented on On Readability
brian - I happen to agree with you, which is why I think that the two languages are equivalent. I usually hear this argument coming from the Python folks, not the Perl folks....

Comment Threads
PetaMem commented on
What?! CUDA::Minimal... works?
And here's this - with Perl 5.22, GCC 5.3.0, CUDA 7.5 anno domini 2016:
dev@sol.petamem.com:/data/soft/perl-CUDA-Minimal # ./Build test t/00_load.t ............... ok t/Index-Manipulation.t .... ok t/Memory.t ................ ok t/Transfer.t .............. ok t/z_PDL.t ................. ok t/z_kernel_invocations.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=6, Tests=76, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.21 cusr 0.74 csys = 0.98 CPU) Result: PASS
You have to do some hacking
to remain silent about gcc … -
Yuki Kimoto commented on
SPVM is released! Perl maybe become much fast.
SPVM is not C compiler.
SPVM is compiler and runtime of SPVM bytecode.
SPVM don't need any C compiler to run SPVM module.
SPVM module load is fast and easy.
If I need more performance, I maybe use libjit to compile bytecodes to machine code.
Yuki Kimoto commented on
SPVM is released! Perl maybe become much fast.
> you're making it very easy to call from Perl.
I'm happy you have found the advantage of bytecode.
Easy to use is one of the big goals.>Have you toyed around with any benchmarks compared with pure Perl? Could I try writing some C::Blocks versions to compare?
I don't do any benchmark yet because SPVM specification has yet something bugs. I must fix it.
I'm happy if you do benchmark in current status of SPVM. Maybe array loop is very fast than Perl because
arrays are present in consecutive memory areas. -
Konstantin Uvarin commented on
Assert::Refute - a unified testing and assertion tool
I think Keyword::DEVELOPMENT can do the trick.
Also you could use a compile-time constant:
use constant { DEBUG => $ENV{DEBUG} };
# ... much later
try_refute {
# some statements here
} if DEBUG;
Perl will optimize the if statement out because it knows DEBUG is a constant.
(Note that I already renamed refute_these to try_refute. The old name is still there but deprecated.)
Konstantin Uvarin commented on
Assert::Refute - a unified testing and assertion tool
Just for information.
Starting from v.0.13, Assert::Refute honors NDEBUG environment variable. If it is set to true, try_refute{...} blocks are optimized out.
Thanks for your request.

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