Jason Tang
- Website: jsntng.me
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Commented on Authors vs. Contributors
"My philosophy is to share credit liberally. There's plenty to go around. An author is a contributor and vice versa. Maintainership is different. Someone must guide the project for the long term. If the demarcation of that responsibility must exist,...
Commented on Authors vs. Contributors
I would ask the question 'What is the point?'. If its driven by as you say '..placing too much self-importance on myself as the creator of a distribution' then sure go ahead. However its probably then fair to break it...
Commented on Exciting updates to MetaCPAN
It works but was a little confused when presented with a json payload when I followed the link in the email. Nice work...
Comment Threads
http://www.wgz.org/chromatic/ commented on
Authors vs. Contributors
My philosophy is to share credit liberally. There's plenty to go around. An author is a contributor and vice versa.
Maintainership is different. Someone must guide the project for the long term. If the demarcation of that responsibility must exist, make it explicit.
Vyacheslav Matyukhin commented on
Authors vs. Contributors
RJBS is very open, but he's also very busy :(
I've been waiting for my two pull requests to dzil for almost a year now... -
Chisel commented on
Authors vs. Contributors
Interesting. So maybe Maintainer + Author(s)?
I'm definitely interested in the long-term direction of the module that set me off on this train of thought. I would feel quite happy with Maintainer and a list of authors.
I've always credited liberally - any accepted patch, typo fix, or modules that I've borrowed from all get appropriate mentions.
I'm thinking about the dist.ini/dzil convenience that I'm aspiring towards and wonder how many variations I should aim for. Definitely an idea I need to give a lot more thought to.
dagolden.com commented on
Authors vs. Contributors
My off-the-cuff thoughts:
- "authors" would be people that get listed in META.* metadata vs "contributors" making contributions, but not being on the hook for contact about the module (which is the definition in the CPAN::Meta::Spec)
- In some licenses, e.g. Apache 2.0, the term "contributor" has specific meaning, whereas "author" would really mean "licensor" in such a license.
Ultimately, I think it's a fine idea to acknowledge con…
Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו commented on
Authors vs. Contributors
For Padre we have a section called
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS where we list The Padre development team in ABC order and a separate section for translators.
Though I am not sure why do we still have them separated.
In the about box they put a separate "Created by Gábor Szabó" and I did not argue with them but this is a special case as this is an application that has an about box.
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