Recent Actions
Commented on A Guide to Versions in Perl
Very clearly written. Thank you!...
Commented on Perl in a Business Application
Interesting read. I enjoyed the line "And then it struct me!" right after the discussion of objects and object systems. :-)...
Commented on Untrusted Numeric Input
Or restrict your data to (binary) bytes instead of (unicode) characters?...
Commented on What is a "Senior Developer"?
I'm curious: can you elaborate a little more on the example in the Business Needs section? There is a seeming conflict between "software that did everything we would want and more" and "the only software that would help us"....
Commented on Converting glob patterns to efficient regexes in Perl and JavaScript
Interesting. One question: why did you translate '*' to '.*?' rather than just '.*'?...
Commented on Synchronizing Opera bookmarks with Perl, Org, and git
Similarly, Firefox can still be made to export/import its bookmarks to a Netscape-format HTML file in a way that's scriptable and mostly round-trippable. That's what I use to synchronize my bookmarks....
Commented on Is This a Hashref Which I See Before Me? (no, wait, it's an arrayref ...)
I think your sixth option is chromatic's fourth option in his list of five. I agree that it seems to be the best. Apparently this inconsistency doesn't come up in other languages because they don't allow overloading a single "object"...
Commented on Kegler spam
I enjoy seeing Jeffrey's posts. I don't always read them but I'm very happy he's doing his research using perl. I don't consider them spam. I don't consider this post to be spam either, but it could have been more...
Commented on Happy Birthday Perl
Wide character in print at -e line 1....
Commented on to say schwern++ is simply too simple
++ Thanks for writing your post. This issue is not about making rules or being PC. It's about saying "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that was offensive to you" and then being a little more careful next time because you...
Commented on To Be or Not To Be part of the community
It's good to be raising these issues and making community members aware of them. It's also good to have a respectful discussion about the issues. Maybe what's appropriate by the water cooler is not appropriate in a public forum (duh!)....
Commented on Why I'm considering dropping Perlmonks
Joe, I agree with other commenters that this is not worth leaving perlmonks about. I don't know about the downvoting (I don't pay attention to that), but apart from the OP trying to defend his original post, there were a...
Commented on Breaking Glass: Perl on Windows
Any slides for this? It's a great topic....
Commented on Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
You just prompted me to make my first ever post to p5p. I don't actively follow it (thanks, Mark Allen for the summaries!), but I will for a while in case my post draws any replies....
Commented on cygwin perl updated from 5.10 to 5.14
Reini: have you gotten perlbrew to work on cygwin? With the latest install of cygwin (with perl5.14.2), trying to install perl-5.14.2 with the latest perlbrew, I get a hang after ../dist/threads-shared/t/shared_attr.t. This is on WinXP Pro 2002 SP3. BTW, thanks...
Commented on A regex for my book
I believe the regexs for simple_math_term and simple_expressions should be enclosed in "(?: )". If you do that whenever a regex piece consists of more than one atom, the next higher level can use it as if it were an...
Commented on $#boo
The reason: that's the way it is in the shell....

Comment Threads
Ovid commented on
What is a "Senior Developer"?
@jrw32982: another example would be the following not entirely fictional scenario:
Management: we would like to release this feature next week.
Devs: we need to rewrite the entire backend to have a distributed, fault-tolerant NoSQL data store and we can get you that feature in about three months.
Management: How does that make up for the $3 million we'll lose if we don't get that feature out?
Devs: It helps us scale better because we no longer have an RDBMS as a bottleneck.
Management: How does that make up for the $3 million we'll lose if we don'…
Randal L. Schwartz commented on
What is a "Senior Developer"?
Are you able to move towards the goal at least in part by eliminating the risk that you might be wrong? If not, you have some learnin' to do.
Steve Dickinson commented on
What is a "Senior Developer"?
Very good write up about senior developers. While I agree with these points I would also add that an additional characteristic of a Sr. Dev is one of leadership. Typically, it's necessary for a Sr. Dev to provide guidance and wisdom to other devs that may not be as experienced. This may involve being the team leader or simply mentoring others devs on the team.
Olivier Duclos commented on
Untrusted Numeric Input
TIMTOWTDI in all its splendor :D
Tom Wyant commented on
Untrusted Numeric Input
Just to add to the mix, when researching my response to a letter triggered by this blog post, I found the following as the last paragraph in the
section on POSIX Character Classes:It is proposed to change this behavior in a future release of Perl so that whether or not Unicode rules are in effect would not change the behavior: Outside of locale, the POSIX classes would behave like their ASCII-range counterparts. If you wish to c…

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