- Website: www.logicalhelion.com
- About: Founder of Logical Helion, LLC. Creator of Helios distributed job processing system. Occasional Fluxx Player.
Recent Actions
Posted Happy CPAN Day! to lajandy
Can you believe CPAN has been around for 20 years today? Two decades is a long time! Yet, I cannot imagine my workday without it.
My contributions to the CPAN Day celebration:
Helios 2.83 is a minor release of the H…
Commented on Problems logging in to blogs.perl.org?
Test comment? If you can see this, the login link above worked for me!...
Commented on Some new MetaCPAN features
EPUB you say? Gotta try that out......
Posted CPAN Day to lajandy
First off, let me say I think CPAN Day is a great idea, and I am happy to take part in it!
For CPAN Day, I have contributed App::HTRender, a command line tool to assist development of HTML::Template-based templates. If you are buildi…
Posted Helios 2.80 Released to lajandy
Logical Helion, LLC is pleased to announce a new stable release of the Helios distributed job processing system! Helios 2.80 provides several new features to improve the performance and flexibility of the Helios system. A new jobtype system and job queuing extensions enable you to divide your…
Commented on Poor Mans Jobqueue for Catalyst Apps
Have you taken a look at Helios? I admit it may not quite do what you want out of the box (yet); it currently is more of a "fire-and-forget" job management system rather than one that tightly integrates with your...
Posted Helios 2.61 Released to lajandy
Helios 2.61 has been released. This is a bugfix release; if you are using Helios and experiencing problems due to one of the (previously) outstanding bugs in the Helios RT, you should upgrade to this version.
For more informat…
Posted Helios 2.60 Released to lajandy
I am glad to note that Helios 2.60 has been released! The new version brings significant performance enhancements via new database handling code. There is also a new modular, extensible configuration API and other new configuration…
Commented on A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
Leaving an SQL query prepared for the entire lifetime of the process is not a good idea to adopt as a style. This is highly dependent on the type of application you are writing and the RDBMS you are using....
Commented on A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
Thanks Joel! I did not realize just how easy it was to start writing Mojolicious apps. I do webapp+database stuff all the time, and having a small but concrete example directly relevant to something I’m working on really helps....
Commented on Alien::Base Beta Release!
Hmm…wondering if Alien::Base could be applied to poppler and poppler-utils…...
Posted YAPC::NA 2012 After Action Report to lajandy
YAPC::NA 2012 was excellent! I really want to congratulate the organizers, staff, and sponsors for putting together such a well-organized, informative, and fun event. I had not been to a YAPC in a couple of years, and this year's conference made me wonder why I had stayed away so long. It was…
Commented on What should be core in Perl 5.16?
My knee-jerk reaction is "no more stuff in the core!" Core Perl 5 is already getting bloated to the point *nix distributors are considering removing it from default installs. But after reading over others' comments, I do think there are...
Commented on Removing database abstraction
Finally! Someone else who understands! IMHO, regarding this topic, there are 2 groups of programmers: those who hate and/or fear databases, and those that understand them. The former are clearly in the majority today, and work to hide away database...

Comment Threads
Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו commented on
Some new MetaCPAN features
@Toby Inkster I added those to my TODO list. Thanks for the ideas.
welcome.mahesh commented on
A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
Wonderful. I am looking for Mojolicious Application Example to understand it. This is so helpful :)
Thanks to aristotle for his very very valuable points for a new bie.
Henryk Paluch commented on
A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
For Unicode support there are few fixes needed:
use Encode; plugin Charset => {charset => 'utf-8'};
modify / method to:
any '/' => sub { my $self = shift; my $rows = $self->select; # convert utf-8 octets -> unicode for my $Item ( @{ $rows } ){ map { $_ = decode('utf-8',$_) } @{ $Item }; } $self->stash( rows => $rows ); $self->render('index'); };
Best regards
—Henryk Paluch
gflynn commented on
A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
Before I ask a question, let me say thank you for all the examples and explanations (I see your name frequently).
I have gotten a handle on the fundamentals of Mojolicious. The one thing I can not find any information on is, creating a schema from and existing MS SQL database then connecting.
Everything I read is SQLite or any other version beside MS SQL. I’m starting to wonder if it’s similar to Corona SDK in that you create a sql database to store information, then push that data to your server DB.
If anyone else has any experience or information PLEASE…
Joel Berger commented on
A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
Before I answer, let me just say that commenting on an ancient post is unlikely to get great responses mostly because the visibility is so low. I only happened to notice because it was on the posting comment dashboard which I rarely look at. In the future, come talk with us http://mojolicious.org/perldoc#SUPPORT
To your actual question. I think very few of us use MS SQL, mostly just because most of us are on *nix. I think were I you, I’d look for tools like sqitch etc which are intentionally mu…

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