JJ Merelo
- Website: jj.github.io
- About: Perl monger from Granada, Spain. Perl 5, Perl 6, love them.
Recent Actions
Commented on Building Rakudo.js with JavaScript from the near future
Great work! Having a choice of VMs can be great for the language. And the dev community at large, of course......
Commented on StackOverflow that!
Which is good if the numbers for Perl 6 increase...
Commented on Do your piece to fix TIOBE or stop talking about it
Still as needed as ever......
Posted StackOverflow that! to JJ Merelo
The Perl 6 IRC channel is an excellent place for all your Perl 6 needs. Any problem is solved in no time. However, it's not the best place for storing and searching those questions and answers. There's a place for that:…
Commented on Perl 6: There Are Traitors In Our Midst!
Great intro. Thanks!...
Commented on CPAN6 Is Here
Link to Mi6 is broken......
Commented on 6lang: The Naming Discussion Update
Could be x-lang (eks-lang). Not so bad, not taken as far as I know....
Commented on Identifying CPAN distributions you could help out with
A more interesting way of scoring bugs by importance would be taking into account the number of other modules that depend on a given one in a first approximation, or even overall. From this point of view, probably CGI is...

Comment Threads
Neil Bowers commented on
Identifying CPAN distributions you could help out with
Yeah, I think that'll probably be the next thing I hack in.
Ether commented on
Identifying CPAN distributions you could help out with
What code did you use to determine the number and age of outstanding bugs? I was thinking of creating a Kwalitee data point on these stats.
Neil Bowers commented on
Identifying CPAN distributions you could help out with
You can get the RT bug data as an SQLite database from https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/cpan/rtcpan.sqlite.gz
My query for getting the oldest and newest unresolved bug per dist is
select distribution, substr(min(created),1,10) as oldest_bug, substr(max(created),1,10) as newest_bug from ticket where status in ('new', 'open', 'stalled', 'patched') group by distribution;
KES commented on
StackOverflow that!
Yes, SO interface is better.
How about to Port mongers Q/A to SO? -
Aristotle commented on
StackOverflow that!
Sure, feel free. 😊

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.