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Commented on Are roles only semantically different from inheritance?
You're missing out on the allomorphic behavior of roles. Consider the non-inheritance relationship, where one object delegates to another. You can't get the right answer about a type question by asking "Does the delegator inherit from the delegatee?", and you...
Commented on Backcompat is holding us back!
I try to distinguish between features that are actively harmful (pseudohashes), features that are harmless when avoided (dative syntax), and features that actively prevent future improvements (XS). Breaking XS would be awful, but it's probably necessary for the kinds of...
Commented on Is the pro/con "Modern Perl" divide a symptom of Steve Yegge's "software political axis"?
For me, modern Perl starts with the question of "What should a novice know about programming Perl well in 2013?" For example, maybe Moose makes sense in that novice's environment and maybe it doesn't, but at least he or she...
Commented on Dance with the one that brung ya
Are you suggesting that people new to Perl will actively seek out and install Perl 5.20 (the first release where this will plausibly happen), discover that is no longer a core module, decide that it's too much work to...
Commented on Pumpkin Perl Breakdown
Surely there must be an easier way to validate that guess then spending the next year trying one proposed solution or another, then figuring out how to measure if it worked. (Seems like measuring efficacy will be difficult if the...
Commented on Pumpkin Perl Breakdown
Instead of "real users", I should have written "The people you want to convince." I'm not sure that even a thousand people who know and care enough about the state of Perl to discuss the version number of a 5.18...
Commented on Names and Numbers, Brand and Identity
Perl 6 has been "the future of Perl" for almost 13 years. Perl itself is just over 25 years. I'm not sure names are the problem....
Commented on Perl 7 - Final Thoughts
Ruby 1.x came out in 1996 and Ruby 2.0 isn't quite out yet. The argument that "A major version number hasn't changed" doesn't work for me. The argument that Perl's Osborned itself holds more water with me, but that only...
Commented on The JVM *could* host a Perl implementation - and do it well!
I agree that the JVM can run some languages fast. My hypothesis is that you either work with a platform or you end up working against it, and that the assumptions of the JVM are different from the expectations of...
Commented on 3 features I would like to see in Perl
A better GC likely won't improve performance much in the average case. Reference counting is about as cheap as it gets, at least until you have a highly nested structure you want to free. With that said, moving the reference...
Commented on This is not tolerated
Thanks for clarifying. Physical assault is another category of unacceptable altogether....
Commented on This is not tolerated
Let's be clear though. I don't believe we're talking in the PerlMonks case about harassment, or something worth shunning another person over. At worst, the initial posting seems to me to be thoughtless rudeness, while the replies are the kind...
Commented on I was called "fucking asshole"
Your strong conviction explains why there are so many people on the Internet complaining about being treated with respect and kindness and good humor by other Perl users....
Commented on You're Wrong!
My opinions are based on my Vulcan-like efficacy of identifying and analyzing cold, hard facts. If you disagree with me, clearly you've overlooked an important fact, made an error in judgment, and (most likely) are letting emotions cloud your thinking....
Commented on Dealing with rudeness
Ah, ESR--king of the false dilemma. Note that people such as Larry and Tim Bunce are very good at solving problems without making other people feel small....
Commented on Calling all Karen Pauleys...
brian is right. Send me a message at my address. (Is bouncing? I'll look into that. I also keep meaning to add about/contact info.)...
Commented on Perl first world problems #1
That should be TEST_JOBS=9 for perlbrew—specifically for the Perl 5 Makefile....
Commented on Perl first world problems #1
Regarding perlbrew, I set HARNESS_OPTIONS to j9 in my shell. While not all CPAN modules run tests in parallel, the Perl 5 core test suite runs very nicely in parallel. Except for installations on virtual machines with very slow IO...
Commented on Why does your site not link to!
Ah yes, the old "If you're not smart enough to use Lisp, Lisp doesn't want you" fallacy from some Lisp programmers. I'm glad the Perl community seems to have left that phase....
Commented on Why does your site not link to!
Good reminder; Onyx Neon's site now includes that link in the footer of every page....
Commented on LOLchromatic wonders how to stalk you
I worry more about his use of the word "educated"--now there's something which could mislead other people!...
Commented on How do newbies find Perl learning materials online?
What could the front page of include to help people find better material?...
Commented on Authors vs. Contributors
My philosophy is to share credit liberally. There's plenty to go around. An author is a contributor and vice versa. Maintainership is different. Someone must guide the project for the long term. If the demarcation of that responsibility must exist,...
Commented on A compelling reason for Perl6
I thought this was "a common blogging platform for the Perl community" and "A blog about the Perl programming language". If Randal wants to write about Perl 6, is he not a part of the Perl community? Is he not...
Commented on A compelling reason for Perl6
You're reading this on
Commented on The decline of Perl
It's rich to ask for "actual proof" when the graph you posted has no explanation of the units for the Y axis. Chart. Junk....
Commented on Why are people asking for a Perl name change again?
I hope they're not waiting for Java 7 then....
Commented on $perl6 = 'Duke Nukem Forever';
Suppose and both said prominently "Perl 5 and Perl 6 are separate languages which coexist happily. The existence of one by no means obsoletes the other." That won't make everyone happy, but it's true and easy for the...
Commented on Bead, ivory, off-white
By "outsiders" do you mean "people who haven't used Perl 5" and possibly "people who aren't programmers"? I hadn't considered that perspective. I've approached this by thinking that anyone who's used Perl 5 much should have noticed several flaws, but...
Commented on Bead, ivory, off-white
At best a name change would delay the problem. More likely it would continue the problem. As a thought exercise, consider a world without Perl 6 as we understand it today. What would a successor to Perl 5 as we...
Comment Threads
daveloyall commented on
The JVM *could* host a Perl implementation - and do it well!
Hi. I don't understand the subject of this post very well. That being said, I don't see mention of recent work being done on the JVM that I believe is relevant to this discussion. So, without further ado: Please note that this has been implemented in Java 8, and beta builds are now available.
--Dave -
Aristotle commented on
Are roles only semantically different from inheritance?
Avoid complex inheritance hierarchies. This is equivalent to only allowing one level of inheritance.
Yes, but then in order to do non-trivial specialisation you have to start inheriting from multiple things, like you would compose multiple roles. And then you run into problems because multiple superclasses can provide the same method – which one do you call? Do you call both? Do the two methods on those two superclasses mean the same thing?
But with roles you do not have this problem. Why? Because roles become part of the class that consumes them, a…
jnareb commented on
Are roles only semantically different from inheritance?
Inheritance is (or should be) about is-a relationships fulfilling Liskov's substitution principle.
One example that I have seen about roles is GuardDog class example: in Dog class hierarchy, and consuming Guard role (which can be consumed by many different unrelated classes).
Mohawk commented on
Pumpkin Perl Breakdown
From (freenode/#perl6) a few minutes ago (edited to correct spellings):
20:16 mohawk TimToady: if perl5 were to be re-branded as Camel Perl (subject of course to a conversation with Mr O'Reilly), how would you feel about that? 20:16 * TimToady thinks it wouldn't make any substantive difference 20:17 mohawk are you "no strong feelings one way or the other"? 20:17 * TimToady thinks people …
simonde commented on
What are the best Perl one-liners you've written?
Nothing fancy, but it's handy when you want to pull IP addresses out of log files
cat /var/log/messages|perl -e 'while (>) {/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ && print "$1\n"};'
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