Luc Didry
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Posted Some cute Perl amigurumis to LucDidry
Disclaimer: this looks like an advertisement, but it's not. I just want to spread the word about really cute Perl goodies. I won't get any money from that.
Do you know amigurumi? It's stuffed crocheted creatures.
A few weeks ago…
Commented on Seeking collaborators: native puppet cpanm provider
There's SaltStack where such a feature could be useful too : If anyone is interested, let me know (luc [at], I would be happy to help....
Commented on Perl and Etherpad
Yeah, I know, but I didn't at the moment I wrote and named the module. But it's for using the Etherpad HTTP API, so isn't it a good reason to add API to the module's name? I mean, what if...
- Posted Perl and Etherpad to LucDidry
Comment Threads
chris.weyl commented on
Seeking collaborators: native puppet cpanm provider
Note that does exist. I've not used it nor examined it extensively, but it's out there...
jistanidiot commented on
Seeking collaborators: native puppet cpanm provider
You might want to check out
it seems to be a more up-to-date fork of the torrancew one.
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