Elvin Aslanov
- Website: rwp0.github.io/
- About: Perl and Unix
Recent Actions
Commented on Live streaming the release of Perl 5.37.6
Can't I watch it now non-live since missed (on Twitch or anywhere else)?...
Commented on This week in PSC (086) | 2022-11-11
Thoughts are to post here on blogs.perl.org and send links elsewhere I think having a dedicated web page (blog) is the right solution. I'll RSS subscribe to this one as well....
Commented on This week in PSC (087) | 2022-11-18
Paul has a (draft) PR to add pluggable infix operators, but it still needs more additions before it's considered core-worthy Yes, please. This is what Perl really lacks today....
Commented on This week in PSC (088) | 2022-11-25
We need to resync with Neil about how "SSL in Core" investigations are going +1 that's really a good news Net-SSLeay, please....
Commented on What happened to Perl 7?
See https://github.com/Perl/perl5/pull/19705...
Commented on What happened to Perl 7?
Congrats on starting a new blog for PSC Very good idea, will read as articles are posted I've been reading perl.com since As for v5.36, it is a great work, and Perl revival for awesomeness I esp. appreciate subroutine signatures...

Comment Threads
E. Choroba commented on
What happened to Perl 7?
Shouldn't bareword_filehandles be disabled rather than enabled?
Joseph Brenner commented on
What happened to Perl 7?
It's excellent to have this clarified-- some people haven't gotten the word that the consensus is to stay with backwards compatibility-- I was talking to some folks who you would think would know better who were expecting some major breakage from the Perl 7 release.
I was wondering about this, though:
"At some point in the future, the PSC may decide that the set of features, taken together, represent a big enough step forward to justify a new baseline for Perl. If that happens, then the version will be bumped to 7.0."
Couldn't this be firmed up at this point? I wou…
Dimitrios Kechagias commented on
What happened to Perl 7?
IMHO announcing Perl 7, which was picked up by the non-perl community as clear "signs of life" from what they thought of as an irrelevant/dying language, and then taking it back was quite a big step backwards, so I'd thought we'd want to rectify that as quickly as possible.
… -
Smylers commented on
What happened to Perl 7?
Thank you for such a clear update. As somebody who only manages intermittently to follow what's happening with the Perl core, this is really useful, and explains several things I'd be wondering about.

About blogs.perl.org
blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.