Mohammad Sajid Anwar
- Website: manwar.org
- About: 2022 White Camel Awardee. CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run The Weekly Challenge. Indian by birth, British by choice.
Recent Actions
Posted Welcome to Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
An introduction to newbie in Perl.
Please checkout the post for more information:
https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/wel… -
Posted Subroutine Signatures in Perl v5.38 to Mohammad S Anwar
Handling of undef / false default values in Perl v5.38
Please checkout the post for more information:
="https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/subroutine-si… -
Posted Random in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Environment variable PERL_RAND_SEED in Perl v5.38
Please checkout the post for more information:
https://t… - Posted Perl Regex to Mohammad S Anwar
Posted Terraform with Docker to Mohammad S Anwar
Please find my learning experience in the post below:
https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/terraform-docker -
Posted GitHub Actions meets Map::Tube to Mohammad S Anwar
Learning GitHub Actions for Map::Tube.
Please checkout the post for more information.
="https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/gith… -
Posted Docker Volume to Mohammad S Anwar
A quick introduction to Docker Volume. Please check out the post for more information. https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/docker-volume…
Posted Docker Compose to Mohammad S Anwar
A quick introduction to Docker Compose. Please check out the post for more information.
https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/docke… -
Posted Docker Secret to Mohammad S Anwar
A quick introduction to Docker Secret. Please check out the post for more information:
https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/docker-s… -
Posted Build Docker Image to Mohammad S Anwar
I have detailed the process of building docker image for The Weekly Challenge website.
Please check out the post for more details:
="https://the… -
Posted How would you read a really large file? to Mohammad S Anwar
A comparative analysis of different approaches discussed in the post below.
https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/read-large-file -
Posted git show ... to Mohammad S Anwar
A very usefull feature of git show command, I discovered last night.
Please check out the post for more details:
https://theweeklychall… -
Posted git bisect ... to Mohammad S Anwar
A gentle introduction to git bisect command for all git fans.
Please check out the post below:
https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/… -
Posted Promise in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Recreating the Future using Promise::ES6.
Please checkout this post for more information. -
Posted Scientist in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Have you heard of CPAN module Scientist?
Please find below a gentle introduction.
="https://theweeklychallenge.org/blog/scien… -
Posted Text Extraction in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Ever wanted to extract text from an image in Perl?
Here is my story to do the same.
Enjoy !!! -
Posted Future in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Please checkout this post for more information. -
Posted MCE - How to? to Mohammad S Anwar
Have you used CPAN module MCE for parallel processing?
If not then you should checkout this post for introduction.
Posted Slurp in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Have you play with the new command line switch -g in Perl?
Please checkout this post for more information.
- Posted Multiple Inheritance vs Role to Mohammad S Anwar
Commented on London Perl & Raku Workshop 2024: Quick Afterwords
Lee, thank you for the great experience. It was very well organised. All credit goes to the entire team. I know it is not easy to hold an event after such a long gap and create an environment where people...
Posted What's new in Perl v5.40? to Mohammad S Anwar
Here I share my personal favourite core enhancements in Perl v5.40.
- Posted Decode Hexdump to Mohammad S Anwar
Posted Strawberry Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Do you want to convert Perl source into .exe?
Please checkout my experience.
Posted Do you want to get started with Perl v5.36? to Mohammad S Anwar
Let us all have fun with the latest Perl v5.36.
Posted Taint in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
Last night, I finally nailed it with the help of my best friend. "Taint" can no longer scare me.
Posted Memory Leak in Perl to Mohammad S Anwar
After a very long time, I found time to blog and here is my journey to deal with memory leak in Perl.
Posted Annual Report - 2021 to Mohammad S Anwar
Good bye 2021 and Welcome 2022 !!!
Time to look back and review how the year 2021 was for me.
Perl Weekly newsletter
As you all know, I have been editing Perl we…
Posted Monthly Report - November to Mohammad S Anwar
Time to relax before ...
What a shame, I delayed the Monthy Report once again. Although I did manage to publish last month on time i.e. 4th Nov.
- Posted The Weekly Challenge - 1000 days to Mohammad S Anwar

Comment Threads
laurent_r commented on
Perl Weekly Challenge 26: Common Letters and Mean Angles
Yeah, well, I understand what you mean and I mostly agree, Yet, but, strictly speaking, this is true only for x > 0. You have to add or subtract pi when x
laurent_r commented on
Perl Weekly Challenge 26: Common Letters and Mean Angles
Oops, messages are cut off when there is the smaller than symbol in it.
I try again:
Yeah, well, I understand what you mean and I mostly agree, Yet, but, strictly speaking, this is true only for x > 0. You have to add or subtract pi when x is negative, and atan2(y, x) is usually defined for x == 0 (at least for values of y other than 0), even though y/x would lead to an exception when x = 0. I chose to give a geometrical interpretation of atan2 (the rectangular coordinates of a point in the plan) in my update to avoid having to deal with all these edge-case difficulties in al…
Neil Bowers commented on
Monthly Report - November
I'm happy to hear you're getting more sleep! It was your talk about the work you put into running the Perl weekly challenge that shocked me into sending you that book.
JackB commented on
AgoraCart "Route 66" Version Released
I have a similar experience with Perl development. It's hard to watch every new project go to a new language or new framework. A lot of projects I've worked on have gone to Angular. A lot of back-end has gone to Python. It's just discouraging. It feels as though a 20 year wealth of knowledge, experience and code is losing value by the minute.
Ryan Thompson commented on
Rotation in R^2 - CY's take on PWC#053 Task 1
I agree with Mohammad. It's great to see you blogging now not once but twice per week, and really putting some thought into your solutions.
I hope you didn't feel I was too hard on you in Week 049. I really loved the solution.

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.