
Leon Timmermans

  • Commented on An introduction to App::ModuleBuildTiny part 2: authoring
    Thanks Leon, looks really easy. How does one go about including all the other associated modules? Say I am creating a distro in the domain CAD which contains which also needs other modules in a sub-folder called OpenSCAD. e.g....
  • Posted An introduction to App::ModuleBuildTiny part 2: authoring to Leon Timmermans

    Now that we have set up our mbtiny configuration in the previous post, we can actually use it.

    Minting a new distribution

    Minting a distribution …

  • Posted An introduction to App::ModuleBuildTiny part 1: setting things up to Leon Timmermans

    App::ModuleBuildTiny is a relatively new authoring tool. It aims to be a relatively lightweight (at least to some other tools like Dist::Zilla) and newbie friendly tool. It supports two install tools:

  • Commented on A deep dive into the Perl type systems
    It took me a bit to get that when the second sentence says "should always be equivalent to the old" you're referring to the type not having to be equivalent. That's just an editorial mistake on my end, I've...
  • Posted A deep dive into the Perl type systems to Leon Timmermans

    People usually don't think about Perl's type system. Some would even mistakenly claim it doesn't have one. It is, however, a most unusual one that doesn't really look like anything else.

    What is a type anyway? And what is a type system? I'm not going to precisely define it here, that's for…

  • Commented on Premium XS Integration, Pt 1
    I agree with what you're saying, but much of it could be cleaned a bit. In particular: * You do not need the ifdef for MGf_COPY and MGf_DUP; unless you care about Perl 5.6 compatibility. If you don't care about...
  • Posted Using peppers with Crypt::Passphrase to Leon Timmermans


    Crypt::Passphrase is a module for managing passwords. It allows you to separate policy and mechanism, meaning that the code that polices authorization doesn’t have to know anything about what algorithms are used behind the screen, and vice-versa; thus making for a…

  • Posted My 2023 in Perl to Leon Timmermans

    2023 was a rather productive year for me on CPAN. Aided by taking some time off I managed to release a whopping 18 new modules.


  • Commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes
    It's always the & prototype that's useful IME, the other never really are....
  • Commented on Mite: an OO compiler for Perl
    > You need to remember to mite compile your code after making changes before running your test suite or packaging up a release. This can be annoyingly easy to forget to do. (Though Mite does also include extensions for ExtUtils::MakeMaker...
  • Posted Some tricks for prettier xs to Leon Timmermans

    XS has a reputation of being ugly and cumbersome, but in my experience, it doesn't have to be. Let's take for example this snippet from my Thread::Csp::Promise class:

    MODULE = Thread::Csp PACKAGE = Thread::Csp::Promise PREFIX = promise_

    SV* promise_g…

  • Posted My new modules in 2021 to Leon Timmermans


    I had a reasonably productive year, releasing several modules that I think/hope are useful for the wider ecosystem.


    This module manages the passwords in a cryptographically agile manner. That means that it can not only verify passwords using diffe…

  • Posted The Witch and the Witch-hunt to Leon Timmermans

    A lot has been said about the recent CAT report and updates. It feels to me like we're not getting anywhere because the critical matters aren't being addressed.

  • Commented on Open Letter to the Perl Foundation Board
    The CAT's charter says the CAT must be trusted and viewed as consistent and impartial and to maintain the trust of the community, the CAT must make its processes and actions transparent while not sacrificing privacy but right now a...
  • Commented on Reimagining perl5-porters email list for 2021 and beyond
    To be honest, a lot of the conversation has already moved to github. I'm not sure the rest really needs a better place....
  • Posted Perl7 is a fork of values to Leon Timmermans

    Before reading this, you should watch this video where Bryan Cantrill explains a value-conflict between Joyent and Node.js, I believe we have a similar problem.

    In it he defines a list of project values:


  • Commented on Perl 7 Thoughts
    Worse yet, the `set_prototype` has to happen in a `BEGIN` block to take full effect :-/...
  • Commented on Perl 7, not quite getting better yet
    No apologies needed, but taking things to p5p may be a good idea indeed....
  • Commented on Perl 7, not quite getting better yet
    Being a former bioinformatician myself, I can only concur it should work that way; but that's not how academic computing works today and it's unlikely that it will work that way tomorrow....
  • Posted Perl 7, not quite getting better yet to Leon Timmermans

    The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon - Karl Marx

    Sawyer just anno…

  • Commented on Smartmatch in 5.27.7
    The new keywords are whereis and whereso. Oops, fixed that. These keywords really aren't intuitive to me. Unfortunately when/whereis/whereso are not among the keywords exposed as functions in CORE::, so it is hard for me to see how to write...
  • Posted Smartmatch in 5.27.7 to Leon Timmermans

    What happened?

    In the latest development release of perl, smartmatch changed quite a bit.

    Almost everything you believed about smartmatching is now wrong

    No really, everything. All previous rules are gone except a single one: you can smartmatch against any object that o…

  • Commented on Test2/Test::Builder Update from the QAH
    I think most of the discussion on that table, as well as here, was about the wrong question entirely. As such The fundamental question is "it is better to have a united or a split ecosystem, and for whom". For...
  • Commented on More on YAML, syck looks much better
    What I need now a is good YAML testsuite People are working on a cross-language testsuite. Not sure what the current state is, this is a rather non-trivial endeavor. YAML::XS emitting unindented seq elements for a map child ditto If...
  • Commented on UTF-16 and Windows CRLF, oh my
    The PERLIO environmental variable may also be able to help you there....
  • Commented on Fixed 5.22 problems during my compiler port
    > Also, publicly stating "John broke xyz" probably doesnt help win people over. Yes, that....
  • Commented on What's the perl5's future?
    Quite frankly, both cperl and stableperl are more about their authors and p5p not being compatible with each other than anything else. The difference between stableperl and p5pperl is so small that the former is a bit silly (the latter...
  • Commented on File::Slurp is broken and wrong
    I believe that the default encoding using by File::Slurp is because of a Perl bug with threads: That bug is truly a PITA, but it's not particularly relevant to slurping as the handle won't be shared between threads....
  • Posted File::Slurp is broken and wrong to Leon Timmermans

    If you are using File::Slurp, you should possibly reconsider. Basically, there are three reasons to do so;

    It is wrong in a lot of cases.

    File::Slurp predates IO layers, and as such doesn't take them into account well. A few years ago, after some complaints, an attempt was done t…

  • Commented on Call for help with open source project "CLPM"
    In my mind, CLPM still means comp.lang.perl.misc ;-) Spent many hours there in the past :-)...
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  • RonW commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes

    I agree that prototypes are a very useful tool. Try::ALRM is genuinely useful and interesting.

    I see the main limitation on prototypes being that & only coerces on the first parameter. I don't see a downside to & coercion on subsequent parameters. If the prototype says it should be a code ref, then if it looks like a block, treat it like a block, same as if the "sub" were there.

    I don't see much advantage to Dispatch::Fu. While it adds a little syntactic sugar, it's really just an indirect way to do:

    if ($cgi->param("action") eq q{foo} and $cgi->param("userid") !=…

  • Brett Estrade commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes

    > I don't see much advantage to Dispatch::Fu. While it adds a little syntactic sugar, it's really just an indirect way to do...

    That's the point, but it's more than sugar! The computational complexity of determining the dispatch "key" is entirely contained in the "dispatch" block and is under the control of the developer. Once the "key" is determined, the proper method is called as O(1)!

    Thanks for all to good info above, didn't know bout the "_" allowing one to default to "$_" - I was actually wondering about that recently!

  • Brett Estrade commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes

    I am not good at coming up with contrived examples as evidenced in this Perl Advent article,

    But a set of cascading "if" blocks is not the most exciting example. However, any code could go in there to compute the key to then "call".

  • Nerdvana commented on Premium XS Integration, Pt 1

    I did mention the MGf_ versions in the paragraph right under the example. I was just going for completeness on the topic.

    I probably ought to use mg_findext, but in the spirit of trying to win all the benchmarks, I just can't bring myself to call a function for something that is probably just reading a single struct field :-)

    I've used ${type}, but didn't know about ${ntype}. That looks useful. I don't really have enough repetition in this article to make use of it yet. I'll put in a mention of this for my next article.

  • Saif commented on An introduction to App::ModuleBuildTiny part 2: authoring

    Didn't work for me for some reason. My distro generated contains only the base module and none of the other helper modules. It doesn't seem to generate the Readme from the pod in the module either.

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