Andrew Shitov
Recent Actions
Posted Perl Golf at YAPC::Russia 2015 to Andrew Shitov
The after-story about the Perl Golf contest, which took place during the two-day
Perl Golf is a contest, where participants solve the task with the shortest Perl programme possible. This year's Golf rules were announced by ="http://search.cp…
Posted Microsof's Visual Studio Code editor to Andrew Shitov
Did you see that the brand new code editor just released by Microsoft (https://code.visualstudio.com) ships with the Perl 6 syntax support?
Commented on All the Perl Books catalogue
Hi Robert, You can use search page http://allperlbooks.com/search or the list of books on github: https://github.com/ash/allperlbooks/blob/master/books.yml....
Posted All the Perl Books catalogue to Andrew Shitov
Hi guys,
Let me announce my new Perl related site devoted to all the Perl books ever published: allperlbooks.com.
This is a collection of the Perl book covers, primarily from the private library of Liz and Wendy. You might have seen these book…
Posted Moscow.pm's new leader to Andrew Shitov
The Moscow.pm group has a new leader. Since now this role is occupied by Pavel Scherbinin (Dzirtik).
Commented on The post-post about the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev
Commented on The post-post about the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev
Yes, there is, it's somewhere on the SD cards not yet processed....
Posted The post-post about the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev to Andrew Shitov
(Original Russian version of this text is available in the 7th edition of the Pragmatic Perl magazine.)
This august, in the centre of Kiev, there took place an annu…
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 talks to Andrew Shitov
I've changed the configuration file of the conference site and now all submitted talks are visible. Enjoy!
Posted The Partner Programme at the YAPC::Europe 2013 to Andrew Shitov
We are proud to announce that we will have the full-time three-day Partner Programme for the partners of the conference attendees.
Our idea is that both the attendee and their partner come together to the venue in the morning, then split, and in the evening they meet again at t…
- Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 19 to Andrew Shitov
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 23. A brief update to Andrew Shitov
There are a few small and big things that we did last week for the conference. Let us tell you about them.
First of all, we signed a contract with the river cruise boat and are thinking now of the best possible route so that we can both see the incredible Kiev landscape from water and have…
- Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 24. Booking a hotel and discounts to Andrew Shitov
Commented on More on video recordings
Volunteers are not the solution, btw. Anyway, I do not feel comfortable communicating with an anonymous, even if there's a lot to discuss here, sorry....
Commented on More on video recordings
Once again. Money does not automatically mean everything will be done, and done properly....
Commented on More on video recordings
You can try to look at the YEF's community outsourcing income, for example and conclude that people will not pay. Also, even with money in hand, how is supposed to do all the work on-site?...
Commented on More on video recordings
Blog absence is not an explanation of posting with no real name, sorry, it's difficult to have communication in this way. I only can add that while I fully agree that "a big video index of perl talks" is very...
Posted More on video recordings to Andrew Shitov
No idea why the anonymous poster did not approve my long comment for his post, having allowed another three comments after mine, so I copy my reply here.
http://yapc.tv is another great start :-)
Seriously (why did you post anonymously?), every small …
Commented on YAPC Presentation Recordings
http://yapc.tv is another great start :-) Seriously (why did you post anonymously?), every small step in recording conference video is easy. All together it is a pain in ass for the organises. 1. Cameras are cheap indeed. In Riga we...
Commented on YAPC Presentation Recordings
http://yapc.tv is another great start :-) Seriously (why did you post anonymously?), every small step in recording conference video is easy. All together it is a pain in ass for the organises. 1. Cameras are cheap indeed. In Riga we...
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev. Week minus 25. A Ceasefire to Andrew Shitov
Don't like a conference T-shirt that the organisers insist on? Choose your own!
More nice news in this week's conference newsletter.
Posted Make Gabor happy please to Andrew Shitov
Really, let's just stop doing that.
The thing is that people posting different--both long and short--messages online in their blogs, or commenting other people's opinion are doing one common mistake. They do not want to hear others.
Scan through the texts appeared after FOSD…
Commented on Names and Numbers, Brand and Identity
Being thus decked out, she got up into her coach; but her godmother, above all things, commanded her not to stay past midnight, telling her, at the same time, that if she stayed one moment longer, the coach would be...
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 26. Perl 7 to Andrew Shitov
Dear YAPC::Europe 2013 attendees,
The number of people registered on the conference site went over 100 recently. So, since this week, we will deliver our weekly newsletters to your mailboxes. There's also a permanent place where you can catch up with the latest news about the conference. A…
Commented on Perl 10
That should be obvious that even after potential renaming of the current Perl 6 project it will not be possible to ship Perl 5.20 (or any other 5.x) as Perl 6, as it would be a disaster for web search....
Posted More on Perl 7 to Andrew Shitov
This hype about Perl 7 is so amazing, and even resembles the time when Perl 6 was around the corner :-) It's extremely interesting to read new posts and comments. Sometimes I find there thoughts similar to mine that I had a few minutes before reading that.
A guy in ="http://moscow.p…
Commented on My Prediction
"Perl5" vs. "Perl 5" is somewhat similar to the "Perl vs. perl" problem. I would be very positive about s/5.20/7/, so, count my vote now :-) From my side I'm ready to rename the YAPC::Europe in Kiev and add "7"...
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013. Week minus 27. Current progress to Andrew Shitov
This week's post by Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi:
showmetheco.de/articles/2013/2/yapc-europe-2013-week-minus-27-current-progress.html. -
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 28. Lightning talks to Andrew Shitov
Dear YAPC::Europe attendees and those who is still considering attending it,
First of all, let me inform you that we are looking for volunteers who will lead the Partner programme. I hope that in a few weeks we will be able to announce the programme or its absence.
Then, a couple o…
Posted YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 29. Call for speakers to Andrew Shitov
To make a great conference, we need great talks. Today I'd like to encourage everybody to submit a talk to YAPC::Europe 2013. It's easy, just fill in a form on the conference site: act.yapc.eu/ye2013/newtalk.
This year there will …

Comment Threads
kaluza commented on
Truth about Booking.com
Just play their games: if you want challenging goals, I would suggest you, when you are allowed to write new lines of code, to design something which can potentially explode in the most amazing and weird ways in very particular conditions or if they are copied/pasted. Side effects should be your new catchword.
nandakumarpbster commented on
Truth about Booking.com
Hi Friend.
I read it today. This happens to me "MANY" times. This is because of the enthusiasm you possessing to learn more. It happened to me even for my last company(Currently I am working Self). What I learned is that , for the life you need money .For that you have to work (Most employers only bothered about the "BUSINESS" not bothered about employee or his interest).If you have enough money resign the job and do work for you (and learn what you want to learn. Now Google is there you can learn any new technology if you are willing to learn).
Good Luck ! -
sheila.tanner35 commented on
Truth about Booking.com
I'm currently working on my CV, portfolio, and motivation letter so I can apply to Booking.com for the UX Designer position. I'm ok with the company having a bureaucratic environment; I survived nearly 13 years in the US military. If we could have fit in any more bureaucracy there, we would have made great honorary Volgons (H2G2 reference). Not to mention, the pay can't be any worse than my current pay for the same job. I always hear about how freelance work gives you more freedom, but in my experience working as part of a team is more conducive to an atmosphere of freedom. If hired,…
andreluis1982 commented on
Truth about Booking.com
Well, is it good or not good to work at Booking? And, if it's good, is good to move to Netherlands with family, is it sufficient to live in a good way and dreaming about the future of career and personal life?
franciskim.co commented on
Truth about Booking.com
After a skim read I already think it's a bit of a cliche - it's not just Booking.com, this type of behaviour is present in many, many companies. That's why nothing beats working for yourself.

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