
Ross Attrill

  • About: Keeping it simple with Perl
  • Commented on Use Ctrl-d!
    Watching people type who can't type drives me crazy....
  • Commented on I hate unpacking sub calls with shift
    This one is very good:
  • Commented on Sick of being mocked by unit tests
    Great article Ovid. I also recently read this document: by James Coplien referenced in the DHH post: The Coplien article had some very interesting points including the need to delete tests as they become redundant over time. I...
  • Commented on Github cheat sheet
    git status -sb is great find....
  • Commented on The Twelve-Factor App
    Yes - some useful and interesting development standards. I find the 12-app idea of logging to STDOUT interesting. On the one hand with Perl it is much easier to say open() or die ($!); than open() or $log->log_and_die($!); But on...
  • Commented on MetaCPAN Welcomes its Newest Sponsor: GitHub
    Fantastic news....
  • Commented on Subroutine signatures in Perl are long overdue
    There are several method signature modules on CPAN. I have been watching Method::Signatures for some time and I can see there is a huge amount of design work that has gone into the signature syntax and features with this module....
  • Commented on Joose - advanced meta-class system for JavaScript
    Thank you Toby - just what I was after....
  • Commented on Joose - advanced meta-class system for JavaScript
    I love it. I have recently started doing some work in Ruby and have to say that I definitely miss Moose. I have thought that a Roose (or Roo) for Ruby might be a good idea - so interested to...
  • Commented on Why Are Fast Tests Important?
    Great article Ovid - thank you. I would love to read a little more on how you setup / teardown databases to avoid using transactions or drop / recreate - and why....
  • Commented on Debuging method for perl Complex data structures
    I have been using use Data::Dump qw(dump); and finding it to be excellent in most circumstances....
  • Commented on Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1
    Joel - do you know if the built in Mojo servers - or at least Morbo - will support this non blocking behaviour in Windows environments?...
  • Commented on (my) Marpa Best Practices
    Marpa can look intimidating at first - but it is really quite understandable. I definitely found learning it to be a worthwhile investment for my application. The documentation and examples are very good and the support from the mailing list...
  • Commented on Planet Moose - September 2013
    Thank you Toby - a very concise and useful update....
  • Commented on When "unsafety" is a Good Thing
    Buddy - I think you hit the nail on the head when you point to database interaction as an area where a weakly typed language is beneficial. We have strong typing in our (relational) databases, so adding primitive typing in...
  • Commented on Introducing Moops
    I see now - Function::Parameters...
  • Commented on Introducing Moops
    This looks exciting. It is good to see that it is much faster than MooseX::Declare. How does Moops do method signatures?...
  • Commented on The beauty of CSV
    The beauty of CSV is that you can edit in Excel. This can be a highly efficient way of creating and maintaining large tables of data when the data must be manually maintained. Far more efficient than editing YAML or...
  • Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: FIGHT!
    Buddy - great article. If you want to do something close to insert %hash into mytable then have a look at this: This gives you my $id = $table->insert(%hash); almost as per your request and with minimal overhead....
  • Commented on When Must You Test Your Code?
    There are several things that I like about this article. I like that the article acknowledges technical debt is sometimes appropriate and provides some suggestions on managing that. Your concluding paragraph says it all....
  • Commented on By all means, try out $LANG, but also give Perl a real chance (a.k.a.: Good tools)
    A great article. There is a lot to be said for picking good tools and sticking with them. I think good new tools do come along from time to time (eg. Git was a step forward) but it is not...
  • Commented on Chicago.PM - Dependency Injection (also: Beam::Wire)
    I am very interested in the combination of DI with Moose Roles. The presentation is very interesting - are you able to show any more detail on where you were going with the DAO type role as on slide 31?...
  • Commented on Method::Signatures: here a tweak, there a bugfix
    Buddy - have their been any performance comparisons for MS vs. other modules providing similar if less comprehensive functionality eg. Method::Signatures::Simple....
  • Commented on Method::Signatures: here a tweak, there a bugfix
    Method::Signatures must be the most important new module for Perl right now....
  • Commented on DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl
    Steven, Laurent has provided some performance benchmarks for raw DBI, DBIC and DBIDM at In that study DBIDM is consistently faster than DBIC but raw DBI is the fastest. I have found DBIDM to be much simpler than DBIC...
  • Posted DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl to Ross Attrill

    DBIx::DataModel (DBIDM) is an Object Relational Mapper for Perl that is very elegant, simple and effective. It helps you to efficiently interact with your database.

    This article discusses three of the great features of DBIDM and …

  • Commented on On the version number succeeding Perl 5
    Great work is already happening with perl5i: Method Signatures or similar must be included for consideration in any future evolution of Perl 5:
  • Commented on Method::Signatures: where and when
    Congratulations Buddy on this release. Great to see Method::Signatures working on Windows. Thank you!...
  • Commented on Plan (software) to live forever
    I agree with the value you place on documentation. We hear a lot about automated testing and refactoring but documentation and design sometimes seem to be valued less than they should be in the modern (agile) SDLC world....
  • Commented on My Top MySQL Gripes
    Given the ownership of MySql I wouldn't invest much hope in seeing it improve....
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  • Tom Molesworth commented on I hate unpacking sub calls with shift

    $! is common enough that it shouldn't need comments, though?

    If the argument is that people learning perl won't understand them, I'd disagree:

    open my $fh, '

    tends to be covered very early in most tutorials, and is also described in perldoc perlopentut. To some extent the same applies to $/, reading in paragraph mode or in fixed chunks is something that you encounter very early.…

  • Olivier Mengué (dolmen) commented on I hate unpacking sub calls with shift

    Note also that @_ is alias to arguments given to the sub which means that it gives you not only read access to the argument, but also write access if it is a variable.

    my $a = 2;
    say $a;

    sub change_arg_0
    $_[0] = 1;

    say $a;

  • Dean commented on Use Ctrl-d!

    Reminds me of the NetApp CLI (OnTap)... which forces ctrl-D

  • Gustaf commented on Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1

    Would be of tremendous appreciation if you would consider a rewrite of this Mojo series for current Mojolicious.

    I’m struggling to get a hang of it all, and the example code here dont work on current Mojo version.

    Really great reading tho.

  • Gustaf commented on Writing Non-Blocking Applications with Mojolicious: Part 1

    Sorry for speaking to soon. Fresh coffe did it for me, I missed some typos from my part.

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