

  • Commented on Scoping out an even conciser fork idiom
    I do in fact not feel bad at all, I’m just posting this because if I missed this then I’m sure a lot of other people have as well, even at my level of expertise in Perl.And though I’ve always...
  • Posted Scoping out an even conciser fork idiom to Aristotle

    Years ago I wrote about a concise fork idiom. It turns out that it’s possible to do better than everything I discussed in that entry as well as the proposals in the comments.

    I didn’t at the…

  • Commented on Once more unto the Wide character (U+XXXX) in substitution (s///)
    Thank you!! I asked about this on #p5p at the time but nobody who happened to be around at that moment could solve the mystery for me either. So the only thing I missed was that it’s necessary to set...
  • Posted Once more unto the Wide character (U+XXXX) in substitution (s///) to Aristotle

    I wrote very elliptically about this warning and received some helpful comments with the standard advice about how to proceed when encountering it. Except unfortunately that advice will be of no use when you encounter…

  • Posted Class data for cheapskates to Aristotle
    sub some_field : lvalue { state $value = 'some_default' }

    (We know, of course, that “class data” is OOPese for “global variable”.)

  • Posted Wide character (U+XXXX) in substitution (s///) to Aristotle

    There is a “use locale” somewhere in the code you are running.

    Update: This is specifically in reference to warning about wide characters “in substitution”. See also ="/users/aristotle/2…

  • Posted SKALE Network are persistent SEO spammers to Meta

    Someone keeps registering and posting articles with links to the “” domain despite the fact that I keep deleting them, so I thought I should reward them for their effort.

    They are some kind of blockchain shop (yeah, shady activities, how uncharacteristic, right?), so I don…

  • Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
    Personal principle keeps me from throwing you off of b.p.o for this, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find it deeply embarrassing to be hosting such a marginally-apologetic spammer on the platform that I’m paying hundreds of bucks per year...
  • Commented on This week in PSC (157) | 2024-08-23
    PHP has the info() function for a very different reason: it tells you ⓐ what options the language has been compiled with because ⓑ you cannot examine them directly without shell access to the host. So it covers a set...
  • Commented on New class of memory leaks inaugurated by Perl v5.40 (and we are unprepared for that)
    Sorry about that....
  • Posted Never matching: everybody is doing it wrong to Aristotle

    Well, not actually wrong, just slow. But the exaggeration makes a punchier headline, you’ll admit.

    This comes up when an interface takes a pattern to match things against. Sometimes you have some reason to want this match to always fail, so you want to pass a pattern which will never mat…

  • Commented on Is Perl a write only language?
    Oh, I see. I completely misread that, and probably so did Randal. Under that misreading, your first reply to Randal reads like a doubling down on that apparent position, when actually that response is just prioritizing overtly demonstrating disregard for...
  • Commented on Is Perl a write only language?
    But that has nothing to do with understanding why in the world he's objecting to saying teachers who tell their students perl is hard should not be teaching computer programming courses. He is not in the world objecting to that....
  • Posted Dodging the Go loop trap to Aristotle

    Ted Unangst:

    And now we’re trapped. There’s only one friend variable, constantly changing a…

  • Commented on The Hidden Power of Prototypes
    That seems interesting in the sense of “may you live in interesting times” 😛 Another possibly useful prototype is the underscore (“_”), which allows functions to default to $_ when given no argument, like e.g. chr and hex do....
  • Commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    You seem to be concerned about people liking you, so it could be anybody. Buzzard, Buzzard. If you go around accusing people of not knowing the difference between empathy and sympathy, maybe you should not be making the same mistake....
  • Commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    Hey, the guy who doesn’t care is back to reaffirm his not caring. Welcome back. 🙂 Of course I’ma do me. Who else?...
  • Commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    And yet, Dave. This article, which took days to compile and just as long to carefully brush out any polemic so it would stick entirely to facts and technical arguments… evidently nevertheless registered as an attack when published. It was...
  • Commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    Hmm. I almost left Perl because of Sawyer’s stewardship. And I mostly dropped out of the community because watching the giant flamewar caused by the technical decisions he intended to pursue made me miserable. The exhaustion of bracing for the...
  • Commented on Next stable DBD::SQLite will be released at the beginning of November
    Hi Doug, a blog comment column is probably not the best venue to raise a request of this nature. A mailing list or the issue tracker seem more suitable. And hey, look: — sound familiar?...
  • Commented on Profiling Perl under Apache
    Ah. That story is somewhat more complicated. These days when people say “Markdown” they mean a somewhat extended version of the syntax that most sites have converged on, whereas the Markdown plugin in use here is the O.G. Gruber Perl...
  • Commented on Profiling Perl under Apache
    <code> does not work on the bash code above (adds some colours, but renders everything in a single wrapping line with the regular font) That is the opposite of not working. 🙂 You have to use it, like you would...
  • Posted “Let Maintainers Be Maintainers” to Aristotle

    Graydon Hoare:

    […] Corporate-employed FOSS maintainers working at a firm with these [very common] “growth and novelty” incentives [… are…

  • Commented on Mojocast #4: Stash, Flash, and Sessions
    This entry was posted in 2011. As early as 2013 the site was redirecting to some post on Google Plus (remember that thing?) which has since been lost, and unsurprisingly the domain was for sale half a year later. I...
  • Commented on The first line of Perl_CGI script, env perl vs perl only, how different?
    Avoiding doing things on the shebang line is a matter of coding style and therefore subjective. There is a much more important reason to avoid -w, which is objective: it’s not at all the same thing as use warnings. Whereas...
  • Posted Template Toolkit’s DEFAULT is not too useful to Aristotle

    Quoth the fine manual for Template Toolkit:

    The DEFAULT directive is similar t…

  • Commented on This week in PSC (099) | 2023-03-03
  • Commented on Outstanding GitHub Items
    Certainly! I didn’t mean it as any kind of discouragement at all. I’ve just been compiling this kind of query for a while, and since you’re posting about it, I thought my collection would be of interest. (It’s not 7...
  • Commented on Outstanding GitHub Items
    Way ahead of you. 🙂...
  • Commented on ChatGPT suggests new keywords for Perl
    Of course that example already works exactly as described if you use my. There is no need for let in Perl. All ChatGPT can do is generate a plausible response to a prompt. Here's a question. Were any of these...
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