Vikas Kumar
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- About: I use Perl.
Recent Actions
Posted Perl's Pegex Module: a great way to parse files by creating grammars to Vikas Kumar
We recently came across Pegex and found it to be an interesting module for parsing text data. Instead of using regular expressions directly, the user can write a grammar for the data to be parsed. The data can be automatically converted to a native Perl object or, if the user desires, it's…
Commented on Event::Lib
You may want to try AnyEvent ( instead. It is the best and can handle various event engines instead of tying your application to just a single event engine which is not being maintained. AnyEvent supports EV which uses libev...
Commented on playing with Cairo
PDL::Graphics::Cairo would be awesome David !! Please do it....
Commented on Why code style is important
Jean-Damien, it is a comparison to Perl's syntax of if-else blocks where a single statement after an if needs a {} block definition. In C, a single statement after an if condition without any {} delimiters is considered part of...
Commented on security breach
Thanks for the response to the attack. You might want to look at OWASP to future proof from web application attacks. They have guidelines and tutorials....
Posted Technical Analysis in Finance using PDL - An Introduction. to Vikas Kumar
In early 2013 I came across PDL and was surprised at its quality and applicability to large data sets which exist in the finance/trading world if you consider intra-day data which is stored tick by tick. You can easily run into 100,000 or more ticks in a few…
Commented on Learning project: introduction
Maybe you could look at Moodle (the software package) that does the e-learning stuff and is very popular. Any form of e-learning is more about the content than anything else and that is where your focus should really be. Existing...
Comment Threads
Dmitry Karasik commented on
playing with Cairo
Raini thanks for the tip .. Indeed Inline::C speeds it up to 10 times! Now in 1.01 version :)
Vladimir Lettiev commented on
I've prepared repository with maintanance release (1.04)
I'll appreciate any feedback. -
Dean commented on
There is a process to taking over modules on PAUSE, see
Personally i have not yet succeeded with it.
Dean commented on
I can see you are already trying ->
Toby Inkster commented on
I'd suggest releasing 1.04 to CPAN straight away. As you're not the maintainer, it won't be officially indexed, so people won't be able to install it using:
cpan Event::Lib
Instead they'll need to install it like:
cpan CRUX/Event-Lib-1.04.tar.gz
Then, if you become maintainer later you can re-release as 1.05 and it will be indexed. Or if Tassilo von Parseval re-appears, he'll be able to pick up maintenance using your fixed version as a base for his next release.
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