Event::Lib is a binding to a libevent library. Its development stalled for about 7 years. Module doesn't build with new Perls (at least >= 5.16), and has a lot of open tickets in a RT CPAN queue. Looks like maintainer of module Tassilo von Parseval is not available via email. I have module Net::IEC104 which rely on Event::Lib, so I'd like to make new release of Event::Lib with fixes for any currently known issues to keep my module installable and functional. I'm making this post asking for permission.
That would be a wonderful undertaking, Vladimir! Would be a shame to let Event::Lib rot.
You may want to try AnyEvent (https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent) instead. It is the best and can handle various event engines instead of tying your application to just a single event engine which is not being maintained. AnyEvent supports EV which uses libev which should work the same way as libevent.
I've prepared repository with maintanance release (1.04) https://github.com/vlet/p5-Event-Lib
I'll appreciate any feedback.
There is a process to taking over modules on PAUSE, see https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=pause_04about#takeover
Personally i have not yet succeeded with it.
I can see you are already trying -> http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.modules/2014/09/msg91452.html
I'd suggest releasing 1.04 to CPAN straight away. As you're not the maintainer, it won't be officially indexed, so people won't be able to install it using:
Instead they'll need to install it like:
Then, if you become maintainer later you can re-release as 1.05 and it will be indexed. Or if Tassilo von Parseval re-appears, he'll be able to pick up maintenance using your fixed version as a base for his next release.