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Posted CGI::Tiny - Perl CGI, but modern to Grinnz
Originally published at dev.to
In a previous blog post, I explored the modern way to write CGI scripts using frameworks like ="https:/…
Commented on Migrating from DBD::mysql to DBD::MariaDB
Hi dami, You are correct that they cannot guess the intended encoding of a string, but the issue here is that DBD::mysql attempts to (intentionally or not) based on the internal storage of the string. The correct behavior is to...
Posted Migrating from DBD::mysql to DBD::MariaDB to Grinnz
DBD::mysql has long provided the interface to connect to the MySQL database from Perl code. But as old as it is, it was implemented with some critical bugs that cannot simply be corrected without breaking mountains of existing code relying on…
Commented on A dream resyntaxed
> But can we really specify unlifted methods? (And is "technically sufficient" really good enough?) > Are people really going to be happy that they can't use objects in BEGIN blocks (or pass them as arguments to use statements)? Or...
Commented on How I Uploaded a CPAN Module
Do not use tar to create tarballs for CPAN. Always use `make dist` or `./Build dist` or the release building mechanism of your author tool. This creates the correct metadata....
Commented on Switch lots of things on at once
Also check out Import::Base, which is just a wrapper around Import::Into to make this specific sort of module....
Commented on I failed to pause before blogging
There is no reason the BLOCK has to be on the same line either. Anyway, making sure you don't have anything following 'package' on the line is an appropriate solution in this case. And probably including a comment so the...
Posted Perl 7: A Modest Proposal to Grinnz
I've written a new blog post on Perl 7 (prev: Perl 7: A Risk-Benefit Analysis and Perl 7 By Default). You can find it, and…
Commented on Perl 7 By Default
That is the very change in interpreter defaults this post is discussing....
Posted Perl 7 By Default to Grinnz
Perl 7 has been announced as the next direction of Perl development. My previous blog post explored at a high level the risks and benefits of…
Posted Perl 7: A Risk-Benefit Analysis to Grinnz
At the recent Conference in the Cloud for Perl and Raku, Sawyer X (the pumpking of Perl) announced an ambitious plan for Perl 7. Since Perl 6 was renamed to Raku to better…
Commented on Preallocating scalars
You may also find the utility functions in FFI::Platypus::Memory and FFI::Platypus::Buffer interesting, though those are really for dealing with opaque pointers to strings when FFI::Platypus's standard C-to-Perl string conversion isn't sufficient....
Commented on A Date with CPAN, Update #3: Golden Jubilee
A variant similar to what you added is coming to a future version of Time::Local. PR#15 (links cause comments to be invisibly held for approval)...
Commented on Are array and hash representations really needed in subroutine signatures?
Yes. These do not represent just arrays and hashes, but "slurpy" parameters. This is the way to indicate that you want to accept any number (or zero) additional parameters. Hashes are a way to accept the extremely common named parameter...
Commented on Can't post a comment here -- dunno why
I pre-emptively sign out and back in before any attempt to post a comment, and separately before any attempt to post an article (these sections of the site appear to maintain separate logins)....
Commented on Why is the specification of subroutine signatures so complicated?
Because there are many different ideas, and thus expectations, of what features signatures need to have, else we risk simply changing the "Perl doesn't have signatures" criticism to "Perl's signatures are useless" when we don't fulfill someone's needs....
Commented on What is the value that Perl offers?
I agree Perl needs to carve its own path, but I disagree that we should blindly hold on to how things work. SUPER and bless don't need to go away, but we would be remiss to not consider adding more...
Commented on Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
Gathering more data in a scientific manner is a good idea, but tangential to what we're trying to find out here. Data won't explain what people like or don't like about the style of the site, or what they wish...
Commented on Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
My goal was primarily to resolve or avoid the issues brought up in the GitHub issue tracker (both the old and new ones). Beyond that, it is just personal preference, so we want to know what your (collectively) preferences are....
Posted Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site to Grinnz
The official Perl documentation site at https://perldoc.perl.org was recently overhauled. Independently, I put together a reimagined documentation site that would be hosted at https://perldoc.pl. In the interest of providing…
Commented on Why forward compatibility is important when trying to add a new grammar to Perl
This is not exactly what forward compatibility means. It means designing the system to recognize features that it does not implement, so it still works as well as it used to, but it does not mean that the new features...
Posted Task::Kensho needs your help! to Grinnz
CPAN is wonderful and it is vast. Task::Kensho offers a curated look at the best it has to offer for those who don't know what to look for. But to remain useful, it must keep up with the trends of CPAN and the community. Thus, the community's…
Commented on The Time::Local Trap
Indeed, that is why the mentioned workaround works - in the heuristic, years less than 0 are always interpreted as the offset from 1900, and years greater than 999 (which a positive number + 1900 will be) are interpreted as...
Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge 017: Ackermann Function and URL Parsing
You might check out URI::Nested to deal with subschemes....
- Posted The Time::Local Trap to Grinnz
Commented on Up, up and Away!
I don't think that it will make a huge difference, but if performance is a concern you should never "use bigint", always construct Math::BigInt objects yourself when needed....
Commented on TPF: Perl deserves better. Please do better.
Have you considered that you are the one blowing things out of proportion here?...
Commented on TPF: Perl deserves better. Please do better.
You assume the involved parties are the referenced person and the people who were in the room at the time. In fact, this reflects on the Perl conferences and community as a whole to anyone who is made to feel...
Commented on TPF: Perl deserves better. Please do better.
You have fundamentally missed the point of any of this if you think his comment or intention is "grievance-mongering"....
Commented on Why Perl 5 benefits is never talked in Perl Weekly Challenge?
Yes of course; my use of the word "appropriate" referred specifically to the effectiveness of the medium for that format, and what mediums expect such a format....

Comment Threads
Piers Cawley commented on
A dream resyntaxed
I’d suggest that in
before method foo …
etc style code,method
is no longer a keyword, but part of the identifier or ‘place’, analogous tosetf
in lisps.If you’re going to redo before/after/around, then I have a sneaking regard for lisp style named advice, so
before method foo () { … }
could become:
wrapper massage_args :around (…) {…}
wrap method foo :with(massage_args);
Also, if we’re borrowing from Lisp, then before/after/around could (sho…
Matt S Trout (mst) commented on
A dream resyntaxed
> I concede that my sub is at this point a well established prior art for prefix declaration modifiers (even though I still think it was a misstep for Perl, syntactically).
Maybe it was, but we want to achieve something that's both good -and- going to feel natural to existing developers. This does not at all mean I'm not overall in the wrong by using it as a precedent, mind.
(raku's making the sub keyword fully lexical is still something I look upon with envy, and I hope if I call you spoiled in that regard it will be taken in that spirit ;)
> even if we can’t yet a…
Matt S Trout (mst) commented on
A dream resyntaxed
> versus Ovid saying "a method composed in from a role should not be allowed to access the existing method of a superclass at all"
That was unclear. 'existing/inherited method of the same name' would have been more clear.
Ovid and I have both suffered from the whole "having more passion than social skills" failure mode over the course of this process and clarity about the technical points is important; as such, I apologise to anybody who read that sentence the way I didn't mean and didn't realise was readable thereinto until after I'd already hit Submit.
john napiorkowski commented on
A dream resyntaxed
I still don't get why we are redesigning everything from scratch rather than simple starting with the obvious thing, which is to take Moose (the far and away clear winner on CPAN in terms of popularity and maturity) and just clean it up a bit, perhaps modernize the syntax a little. What we seem to be designing here is something that is vastly different, completely incompatible and yet somehow lacks most of the features I get with Moose already. The main issue with Moose is that since it's not baked into the language it suffers from performance issues and dependency size issues (and due…
Robert commented on
A dream resyntaxed
I will be surprised if any answer is given to your questions. Obviously, they chose not to go the Moose-way but there is a rationale section if you haven't read it:

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