Brian Phillips
Recent Actions
Commented on Thanks for the Live Streams from YAPC::NA
@Mark - you can view the streams without silverlight. Here's a Perl script courtesy of the #yapc IRC channel: https://gist.github.com/2926769...
Commented on YAPC - Lightning workshop
It's like speed dating for programmers!...
Commented on Syntax highlight your SQL HEREDOCs in VIM
It'd be nice if the region didn't start with the HEREDOC tag itself. For instance, I tweaked the snippet to work with an XML HEREDOC and the beginning << of the HEREDOC shows up in red because it's invalid XML....
Commented on When rand isn't random
And now I'm a perl5 core contributor! http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.changes/2010/07/msg26793.html...
Posted When rand isn't random to Brian Phillips
In spite of having programming Perl mostly full time for the last 12 years, I still find myself learning new things about how Perl works (like the time I discovered the arcane apostrophe package separator when trying to add a
Commented on When rand isn't random
@mpeters - yes, that was my intent. I've updated the post to reflect the correct srand call in the init handler. Thanks...
Commented on Catalyst, MySQL, SQLite, H::FH, UTF-8 and more
If you are able to reproduce an H::FH bug in an isolated test case (i.e. outside your application), I'm sure the author would work on supplying a fix. I dropped by in the #formhandler IRC channel (see the SUPPORT section...

Comment Threads
Ovid commented on
Syntax highlight your SQL HEREDOCs in VIM
@rickroller: I keep meaning to properly organize my .vimrc and the rest of my config (particularly since I've been asked to give a talk about it at work), but I seem to have no time lately (something about a 26 week old baby at home).
Thanks for the kind words, though! I'll try to make it happen at some point.
Steven Haryanto commented on
Thanks for the Live Streams from YAPC::NA
The script is not working for me, but at least copy-pasting the UUID's is easy enough: https://blogs.perl.org/users/jt_smith/2012/06/streaming-via-vlc.html
Anyway, thanks for all the streams. A couple of comments: 1) sound is good (they just need to remind speakers to repeat attendees' questions so stream listeners can hear the questions; but 2) the lighting in some room is not good enough? But nevertheless, thanks a lot!
prakash commented on
Thanks for the Live Streams from YAPC::NA
Here's the javascript snippet to add a link to the video stream: https://gist.github.com/2936793
Useful if you have dotJs or Greasemonkey.
JT Smith commented on
Thanks for the Live Streams from YAPC::NA
You're quite welcome!
Jesse Thompson commented on
When rand isn't random
Ack, bit by this in mod_perl 2.0.8! The PerlChildInitHandler workaround seems to solve my problem.

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