Jared Martin
Recent Actions
Posted TWC 127: Intersection on a Sunday Afternoon to Jared Martin
This is my entry for
The Weekly Challenge, week 127
Task 1, "Disjoint Sets" was basically something I've done before somewhere els…
Posted TWC 124: Literalism and existence proofs in the service of stress reduction to Jared Martin
Again another week where I solve one answer and punt on another.
TWC Task #1, Happy Women Day
Posted TWC: Punting to MJD and Showing Q&D Geometry to Jared Martin
JIT blogging
I'm always doing other things and then Sunday comes and I start thinking, "How much time do I have before it's midnight in London?"
When "The Perl Challenge" first started, I was happy to just ponder the problems. Then came the pandemic and I thought that I would use…
- Posted TWC 120: Task #1, Swap Odd/Even bits & Task #2, Clock Angle to Jared Martin
- Posted TWC 119: Task #1, Swap Nibbles & Task #2, Sequence without 1-on-1 to Jared Martin
- Posted PWC 060: Task #1, Excel Column & Task #2, Find Numbers to Jared Martin
- Posted PWC 059: Task #1, Linked List & Task #2, Bit Sum to Jared Martin
- Posted PWC 058: Task #1, Compare Version & Task #2, Ordered Lineup to Jared Martin
- Posted PWC 057: Task #1, Invert Tree & Task #2, Shortest Unique Prefix to Jared Martin
Posted PWC 056: Task #1, Diff-K & Task #2, Path Sum to Jared Martin
After posting two separate blogs for PWC 055 and seeing how awkward the explanations were, I'll try a new tack: Both submissions will be elaborated in one blog post. The elaborations will not be explanations. I'll focus more on the "idea" part and let any programming details come out in the…
Posted PWC 055, Task #2: Wave Array to Jared Martin
This blog post contains the "missing comments" from my contribution to the Perl Weekly Challenge 055. If you haven't read the Task #2 Problem Description: Wave Array you might want to do that first.
Posted PWC 055, Task #1: Flip Binary to Jared Martin
This blog post contains the "missing comments" from my contribution to the Perl Weekly Challenge 055. If you haven't read the Task #1 Problem…

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