
Brett Estrade

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  • Dave Cross commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
    I got a little overzealous and excited about the Journal; it made a misstep (one of many).

    And that's exactly the point of the final paragraph in my previous comment. I understand that this group is enthusiastic and I believe you genuinely want to help Perl. But you keep screwing up and annoying people.

    There are people around in the community who have been doing stuff like this for a very long time. If you ask, we will give you advice. We don't want to see any part of the Perl community annoying people in the way that you all do. It is counterproduct…

  • Dave Cross commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!

    Is that seriously what you thought I was talking about? Because it really wasn't. I have no interest in publishing your journal.

    You all need help interacting with people. For a group that calls itself "The Perl Community" you're shocking bad at talking to the actual Perl community.

    And I wasn't even really talking about me. There are plenty of people out there who could help you - or there would be, if you hadn't alienated them all.

  • Makoto Nozaki commented on Board Reflections: Continued Experiences with The Perl Foundation

    Somewhat an important factor―I was unable to attend the 2024 conference and couldn't contribute much.

    A better question is: what is the ideal format for celebrating the winners each year? In 2022, my first year, the schedule was irregular; we announced the winner at the June 2023 conference and presented the trophy there. In 2023, the winner was announced in December 2023, with the trophy shipped in the same month.

    We should establish a consistent cycle where the winner is announced in December, and we celebrate again at the conference in the following June.

  • Dave Cross commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!

    Yes, that's obviously me. I've used the same handle pretty much everywhere on the internet for about twenty-five years.

    I was offering free advice. But I'm sure that plenty of people would have given similar advice if asked.

    Honestly, I don't think that me publishing your journal would have worked - our working practices are too different. I did mildly hijack that comment thread to push my own service but, hey, at least I didn't spam the whole of the Perl community :-)


  • Aristotle commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!

    Personal principle keeps me from throwing you off of b.p.o for this, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find it deeply embarrassing to be hosting such a marginally-apologetic spammer on the platform that I’m paying hundreds of bucks per year to keep running and have spent hundreds of hours of tedious labor to keep free of spam.


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