- About: Random observations that may in some way be related to Perl.
Recent Actions
Commented on Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
Very nice work! A couple of things come to mind after a brief glance: perldoc.pl is kind of hard to navigate. The manuals section of perldoc.perl.org contains more stuff that I likely want to see. I couldn't find perlre on...
Posted This just in: study shows advantages to RTFM to confuseAcat
So I really like to validate email addresses using Email::Valid. But yesterday, I got a bug report. Some system was sending emails to another system with addresses containing a space right after the @. That other system was totally unable to…
Commented on A Date with CPAN, Part 1: State of the Union
I'm in the same boat. I rarely deal with times, I often have to deal with dates. I sometimes feel like a freak because I rely on Date::Parse and especially Date::Format so much. Literally all the dates I deal with...
Commented on Dave Cross and Modern PERL
This is ... creative. In our code, I usually just find very, very boring if ( $hour < 9 ) stuff. But modulo 100? Too good to call it PERL....
Commented on git stashed
What exactly is it, you are using that hash for? Is that hash in any way relevant? @Dominic: Good call! That little dollar sign always makes me nervous when I see it....
Commented on git-refresh: Automatically rebase current branch onto master
I'm a big fan of git up. I guess it won't help in your case, but the magic stashing and unstashing behaviour is really nice. The implicit question raised by Mr. Anonymous is valid, though: why use a feature branch...
Posted Use Ctrl-d! to confuseAcat
Due to recent events, we now broadcast a public service announcement:
Stop typing "exit" or "logout" to quit your current shell session!
Thank you for your attention - we now return to our regular programming.
Commented on Live Streaming
I really didn't have any time today to watch the streams, but the few minutes I saw blew me away. The quality of both video and audio was amazing! Very good job! You are really setting some very high standards...
Commented on CPAN Day - start your engines!
Seems somebody fixed this very soon after my complaint there....
Commented on CPAN Day - start your engines!
http://stats.cpantesters.org/uploads.html Nice! But why does that page say "August 1999 - September 2013"? Makes it look somewhat out of date even if the content is almost real-time....
Commented on When a failure is not a failure
James sure has a point there. But this is also clearly a documentation bug. Why would some built-in functions have different precedence than others? perldoc even calls exist a "function"....
Commented on Conflict Resolution: local::lib and git's Perl
the error comes as no surprise No? Isn't the question why your system perl doesn't have List::Utils? That module has been in core for quite some time now. It's cases like that (software package $foo relying on a working perl)...
Commented on And Now for Something Not Moose Releated
How about cd $dir cat $( ls -lrt | grep ^\- | tail -1 | awk '{ print $9 }' ) | wc -l ?...
Posted Automatic variable highlighting in vim: the easy way to confuseAcat
Commented on perldoc -l for modules without pod
mpath from Module::Path does the trick quite nicely. See also https://blogs.perl.org/users/neilb/2014/01/whats-your-tiny-tip.html...
Commented on Tool tip: looking at a module's source
Neat! I immediately changed my bash function that does this and replaced "perldoc -l" with "mpath". Thank you!...
Posted Overheard on stackoverflow to confuseAcat
Commenter: why did you comment out
use strict;
?OP: because i was getting errors and warnings because not all variables are defined as "my" or "our". it is for testing purposes only. I will uncomment that line later when the script works. …
Commented on Data::Dumper::GUI
Weird. I tried this by dumping \%INC and this will make it segfault every time. Dumping \@INC works just fine....
Commented on Kegler spam
I assume you are ranting about Jeffrey Kegler. Where is the problem? I enjoy his posts and have no idea why you consider them spam. Whether someone automates the posting-process or not is completely irrelevant for judging the contents of...
Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: Redux
Don't worry. My guess is that your opinions were largely ignored in that last post. Which is not to say that they should be ignored....
Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: FIGHT!
@David: I'm sorry, I guess I was overgeneralizing. You're right, you never said that. @rlauer: I'm sick and tired of your vicious cycles of 1) lamenting ad-hominem attacks, 2) ad-hominem attacks, and 3) weaseling out of 2). That's why I...
Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: FIGHT!
Paul, no, those were emphatically not good blog posts about not using Moose. Those were blogs posts that both said "I'm sick and tired of hearing about Modern Perl". Both used Moose as examples, but neither was about Moose. Now...
Commented on JQuery and Moose
I don't quite get it. Is this the anti-modern-javascript post we all have been waiting for?...
Commented on Coping with double encoded UTF-8
First comment! Where is $UTF8_double_encoded? And what's the purpose of if (&utf8::is_utf8)?...
Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: FIGHT!
Thanks Buddy! Reading the first few sentences of your post made me think "Ah, someone wrote the post I wanted to write". But it's not quite hitting the bull's eye. At least not the bull's eye I had in mind....
Commented on Announcing Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitUnusedVarsStricter
Wow. Mithaldu is right. This is good news! But Tom isn't really wrong either: https://metacpan.org/source/GFUJI/warnings-unused-0.06/Changes AFAIK, the old version wouldn't compile with newer versions of Perl (I forget whether this was with 5.14 or 5.16). I'm a big fan of...
Commented on Response to Ejecting CGI.pm From the Perl Core
@raudss.us: Most sysadmins have switched away from Apache a long time ago? You mean not counting the 50%+ that are still using it?...
Posted Modules in core: who cares? to confuseAcat
When I first read about the idea to remove CGI.pm from core,…
Commented on Site Front Page
Couldn't we simply tell MT to not publish posts that have a body longer than X lines?...
Commented on How to be agile without testing
For me, there are two very good reasons for writing tests. I am lazy and I write web applications. Clicking myself through that up until I find the feature I'm working on just to be greeted by a stupid error...

Comment Threads
Grinnz commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
Gathering more data in a scientific manner is a good idea, but tangential to what we're trying to find out here. Data won't explain what people like or don't like about the style of the site, or what they wish they could accomplish more easily. Could you elaborate on what you think can be done to improve the site?
Jim Davis commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
I prefer perldoc.pl. Took me way too long to find "quotes and quote-like operators" on perldoc.perl.org.
Dean commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
You might like to plug in something like "mouseflow" (paid) or similar. ClickHeat seems to be the only foss one that i have come across. They are extremely helpful in working out whats valuable on the screen and what isnt.
In terms of design & layout inspiration, readthedocs.org/io is very popular - so people are accustomed to its layout and possibly its layout is well conceived.
In fact someone could probably feed perldocs in to it and see what it looks like.
Karl Williamson commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
I like the non-official site somewhat better, but I can't explain why.
A glitch from the past was that a lot of links didn't work on autogenerated files. I couldn't find any failures in my brief attempts, so maybe that has been fixed.
xenu commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
I prefer perldoc.pl, it's much better than perldoc.perl.org, although tbh I'm not a big fan of its design, it isn't *bad*, but it's slightly too gray and depressing for my taste.
A few random things I like about perldoc.pl:
- perldoc.pl has much better search, I especially like its special handling of perldeltas. Also the fact that I can input a punctuation variable in the search box and it just takes me to the right place in perlvar. I use that all the time.
- perldoc.perl.org is buggy, the bug Karl mentioned is still there and it's pretty serious. For example, go to…

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