Brad Gilbert
Recent Actions
Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge #014
$solution ~~ m:g/../ $solution.comb(2) # much faster $a % 2 == 0 $a %% 2 # clearer...
Commented on StackOverflow that!
Stack Overflow publishes stats on what questions get asked....
Commented on Backticks and tests in Perl 6
You can (and should) remove .slurp and .slurp-rest The IO object has a .split method that doesn't have to read the entire contents of the file before splitting the file up....
Commented on Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
Actually the second for loop has 3 levels of signature unpacking. You don't see the first one which is implicit....
Commented on Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
#! /usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; my @mixer = 'mixer'; my @player = < m6player -vf dsize=600:-2 -geometry +200-10 >; my $lockfile = '/tmp/myplayer'; $lockfile.IO.spurt( $*PID ); END { $lockfile.IO.unlink; } my token filename { .+? \.\S\S\S }; my token volume...
Commented on Simple Game in Perl 6
It wouldn't be more efficient, it would actually be correct. $new would effentially be the same as your card. use v6; my @deck = True, False; my $card = @deck.pick; say "your card is $card"; for ^5 { say @deck.pick...
Commented on Minor Issue with Perl 6 Install on CentOS 6
Commented on Simple Game in Perl 6
Array.pick() doesn't do what you think it does, it never modifies the array you call it on. With no arguments it returns one item, with a positive number it returns a list of that many elements with no repeats, with...
Posted Perl6 Pi and continued fractions to Brad Gilbert
I was looking through the code of the Rakudo implementation of Perl6 where I noticed that it defines pi as
my constant pi = 3.14159_26535_89793_238e0;
( with an aliasmy constant π := pi;
… -
Commented on (?P<NAME>...) vs (?<NAME>...)
I believe the reason we support the Python variant is that we stole the idea from them. I think the other libraries/languages stole it from Perl....
Commented on Perl and Windows UAC
Shell.Application was added for WScript and CScript scripts, so the actual functionality should be accessible directly with Win32::API. I'm not sure at the moment what it is calling under the hood....
Commented on Where to find the good stuff
Actually I have been in contact with someone responsible for tutorialspoint.com ( on the reject list ) and have gotten him to change the Perl subroutines page. It took a bit of convincing on my part that I indeed knew...
Commented on lex parsimoniae
It is generally a bug if a OO module has a blessed method. As it usually means they imported blessed from Scalar::Util. ( which Moose does on your behalf ) without removing it from the namespace after it is no...
Commented on A smaller, faster, more agile Perl
I was going through my RSS backlog when I read this. I'm not proud to say that I didn't realize it was posted on April 1st until the PL/1 paragraph....
Commented on The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions
Well = isn't a valid comparison operator, perhaps you meant ==....
Commented on Why code style is important
I believe this is part of the reason C/C++ programmers put the braces on a new line, to make them stand out. Whereas when you program in Perl, you know the brace is there otherwise it wouldn't compile....
Commented on Perl and Me, Part 11: Please Mr. Perl, Will You DWIM?
I think that the reason C/C++ programmers put the braces on a new line is that you can omit them in some circumstances. You can't omit them in Perl the same way, so there is no need to make them...
Commented on Perl and Me, Part 7: The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use to Change the World
That still isn't a reason to not work on the Perl core. My first patch was to convert while( readdir($dh) ){...} into while( defined( $_ = readdir($dh) ) ){...} I don't even (really) know how to program in C. I...
Commented on Lexical closures with END blocks warn, but Just Work
You could add the values to a state variable. sub print_it { my $value = shift; print "During execution, got [$value]\n"; state $old = []; # Uses push instead of unshift # because push is probably faster on long arrays....
Commented on Tool tip: looking at a module's source
I usually type out komodo $(pm_which -q Some::Module) ( The -q is in case I mistyped the module. ) I have thought about writing a script that opens the file in komodo if it is running, and otherwise open it...
Commented on List Assignment in Scalar Context
There is a way to get what you were looking for in your last few paragraphs. (my($input, $output) = @ARGV) == 2 or die "Usage: $0 "; Although I would generally separate out the argument count checking from the assignment....
Commented on Great Mystic Mystery Revealed
As Paul "LeoNerd" Evens stated: It was originally a quick (hack), a limit of the parser used to pull out the package names. But so many people have now relied on it, that it's become a feature that won't be...
Commented on Great Mystic Mystery Revealed
Actually I think that PAUSE only parses the modules if it can't find META.json or META.yml Since the DBD-Oracle distribution uses Dist::Zilla, it was actually Dist::Zilla which added it. You could have also added some lines to the dist.ini file...
Commented on Keeping up to date.
cpanp 'o;i *'...
Commented on Perl and Me, Part 1: The Road So Far
There are a couple of reasons I haven't ever pursued working on the Perl internals despite my C background, and time is certainly a big one. I've picked up a enough perlguts to know that learning how the interpreter works...
Commented on Perl and Me, Part 1: The Road So Far
You might like D. It's basically a re-write of C++, in a similar way to how Perl6 is a re-write of Perl5. Also since you know C you could help improve the Perl internals, if your not too busy....
Commented on Comparing Apples and Oranges - rubygems vs cpan part 2
I agree that it could be made easier to upload modules. I think we should strive for higher quality of code on CPAN; rather than on sheer quantity. So I think we should have a few minor hurdles to jump...
Commented on How do we know when a CORE module is deprecated?
It is not deprecated. I think mst misread an email from Ricardo Signes to the P5P list....
Commented on Holy bloat, Batman!
I have sent a patch to Perl5 Porters to remedy this situation. Based on the comment just before "*{chr 256} = \3;" this should have been reworked after the next dev release (5.15.4). - # Before this makes its way...
Commented on Holy bloat, Batman!
The offending line: *{chr 256} = \3; which is only used for: if (exists ${__PACKAGE__."::"}{"\xc4\x80"}) { delete ${__PACKAGE__."::"}{"\xc4\x80"}; *_DOWNGRADE = sub () {1}; } else { delete ${__PACKAGE__."::"}{chr 256}; *_DOWNGRADE = sub () {0}; } Thank you for bringing this...

Comment Threads
Aaron Baugher commented on
Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
Thanks, Brad. Named captures are nice; I need to get in the habit of using them. And the way you're breaking the values out of the hash on two levels in your second for loop is really cool. I don't think I'd seen anything like that yet.
Aaron Baugher commented on
Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
Mike, I didn't even realize you could use a single dollar sign like that, except in the $.method format. Something to look into, thanks.
JJ Merelo commented on
StackOverflow that!
Which is good if the numbers for Perl 6 increase
KES commented on
StackOverflow that!
Yes, SO interface is better.
How about to Port mongers Q/A to SO? -
Aristotle commented on
StackOverflow that!
Sure, feel free. 😊

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