grep.metacpan @meta::hack 2017

The MetaCPAN 2017 Hackathon, a.k.a. meta::hack v2, is the second dedicated MetaCPAN hackathon. This year the event was held in Chicago from November 16th to 19th, in server central office.

I would like to give special thanks to all event sponsors:, cPanel, ServerCentral, Kritika without them this would have not been possible.

I took part in this event during the last three days and mainly focused on project, which was created as an experimental project earlier this year during the QA Hackathon in Lyon, France.

That article is just a quick summary of my current participation, much more happened from all other participants, and global progress made is pretty impressive!

Since the original version of, which appeared broken from Day 1 due to the lack of libpcre support from the git version used, many things improved and I hope you could have a smoother experience searching code extract...

First two minor updates on itself to give more visibility to the 'grep.metacpan' project:

  • add grep::cpan link in the top bar

  • add "grep distribution" search field to the left menu for distro pages, in addition to the existing "Search distribution".

During this hackathon about ~40 commits were merged to the upstream branch, most of them were fixing existing bugs and open issues on the GitHub project. But overall they contribute providing a better user experience, or simply increasing the test suite and discover (&fix) issues at the same time.

grep.metacpan front end is now tested by travis ci. Any coming pull request is now triggering a travis smoke.

I've also increased test coverage, and plug the repo to reach about ~90% test coverage.
Coverage Status

I've published a "Getting Started" guideline to the GitHub repository itself.

Also note that, as, are now both using Gazelle plack handler in production.

Feel free to submit feature requests, pull requests or any other comments, to the GitHub project.

Do not forget that you always have more than one way to solve a problem and provides a great alternative to grep the CPAN !

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About atoomic

user-pic I blog about Perl.