YAPC::NA Surveys Open

This year the YAPC Surveys have had a few updates. Every attendee now gets an email beforehand containing their personal keycode, so they can prepare the bookmarks before they get to the conference. The announcements are now part of the administration on the site, so I don't have to run everything manually, and can send repeat announcements to users who confirm late, even during the conference.

This year, for the first time, and thanks to a suggestion from Curtis Jewell, the Lightning Talks are all now available for feedback by attendees.

The survey will be open for 4 weeks, and now I have the tools in place, I'm hoping to have the results out before YAPC::Europe. Likewise, I aim to get the talk evaluations to speakers by then too.

Now that the CPAN Testers work is now in monitor mode, I can now pay more attention to packaging up the survey code and releasing it all. I've had interest from various people to use it, and it will be good to get some further use out of the code than just YAPCs. Mind you if any Workshops that use Act would like me to integrate the surveys with your event, please let me know and I'll set up and instance for you.

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About Barbie

user-pic Leader of Birmingham.pm and a CPAN author. Co-organised YAPC::Europe in 2006. Responsible for the YAPC Conference Surveys, helping to improve YAPCs every year. Also the current caretaker for the CPAN Testers websites and data stores. If you really want to find out more, buy me a Guinness. Just don't ask the obvious ... Grep has been for 10 years and is still no closer ;)Links: Memoirs of a Roadie Birmingham Perl Mongers CPAN Testers Reports YAPC Conference Surveys