Prototype changes across Perl release boundaries

At a previous employer, one of the things I ran into from time to time was the need to get the keys of a hash back out in the same order they were provided. Yes, Tie::IxHash exists to solve this problem: but it always felt like a heavy-weight solution to a simple problem. Why bother adding a new dependency to the system when I could just swap my %hash out for a @hashlike array?

    my @hashlike = (1..10);    # generally the return value of a subroutine

while (my ($k, $v) = splice @hashlike, 0, 2) {
... # do something with $k, $v

This has the possibly undesired side effect of destroying @hashlike; by the time the loop is done, @hashlike is empty. As far as processing tuples in some orderly fashion it works pretty well though.

Recently while tidying up Hash::MostUtils for CPAN, I realized that the functions lkeys() and lvalues() [which return the "keys" and "values" of a list, respectively] were missing a companion: leach(). Since I work best with tests to guide me, I wrote one for leach():

    my @hashlike = (1..10);
    my @collected;

while (my ($k, $v) = leach @hashlike) {
push @collected, $k, $v;

is_deeply( \@collected, [1..10], 'collected all tuples' );
is_deeply( \@hashlike, \@collected, 'did not destroy @hashlike' );

And here's what leach() looks like:

        my %end;

sub leach (+) {
my $data = shift;

my $ident = "$data";
my $n = 2;

return () if $#{$data} < ($end{$ident} || 0);

$end{$ident} += $n;
return @{$data}[$end{$ident} - $n .. $end{$ident} - 1];

The protoype '(+)' is the interesting bit of this implementation; it comes straight from splice():

    blyman@blyman-lt:~$ perl -de 1
      DB<1> p prototype 'CORE::splice'
    0  '+;$$@'

I guessed that the '+' meant something like, 'Make this thingy into a reference and let me deal with that reference', and indeed that's how it behaves. The next morning I pushed my repo from my laptop, pulled on my desktop, and went through the familiar old steps to prepare a module for CPAN: run tests, make a tarball, upload it.

    blyman@skretting:perl-hash-mostutils$ prove t/leach.t 
    t/leach.t .. Illegal character in prototype for Hash::MostUtils::leach : + at lib/Hash/ line 110.
    Malformed prototype for Hash::MostUtils::leach : + at t/leach.t line 110.
    # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything.

Yikes! Sure enough, asking the debugger what my desktop's notion of splice()'s prototype is gave a very different answer:

    blyman@skretting:~$ perl -de 1
      DB<1> p prototype 'CORE::splice'
    0  '\@;$$@'

The versions of perl between my desktop and my laptop are different: my laptop has system perl 5.14 installed, where (+) is the correct prototype for leach() to use, whereas my desktop has system perl 5.10 installed, where (\@) is the correct prototype to use. So there's the problem; now what's the solution? Somehow I need to apply a different prototype to leach() depending on the version of perl that I can detect? I tried to imagine my reaction if some colleague were to introduce this to our codebase:

    sub _leach { ...basically what you saw earlier ... }

if ($] > $some_cutoff_version) {
eval 'sub leach (+) { goto &_leach }';
} else {
eval 'sub leach (\\@) { goto &_leach }';

"Ugh," I heard myself say. "Why not use Scalar::Util::set_prototype instead?"

    use Scalar::Util qw(set_prototype);

sub leach { ... }

if ($] > $some_cutoff_version) {
set_prototype \&leach, '+';
} else {
set_prototype \&leach, '\\@';

This is a little better, but not all versions of Scalar::Util provide set_prototype(). [Granted, you have to be on a pretty old system perl not to have this function available.]

Since 'use' is just a 'require' then 'import', we can write our own module to choose between two separate modules, and re-export functions:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    package Hash::MostUtils::leach;
    use base qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(leach);

sub import {
my ($class) = @_;

if ($] > $some_cutoff_version) {
require Hash::MostUtils::leach::prototype_is_plus;
} else {
require Hash::MostUtils::leach::prototype_is_backslash_at;


Now we can just implement and @EXPORT leach() in each of those two modules:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    package Hash::MostUtils::leach::prototype_is_plus;
    use base qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(leach);

sub leach (+) { ...what you saw before... }


Err, and, what - we'll just copy-paste that module, change the package name, filename, and prototype to make the other version? Again, me-the-coworker didn't like that. It's fair to gather similar functionality together in, like so:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    package Hash::MostUtils::leach;
    use base qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(leach);

sub import {'ve already seen this... }

sub _leach { ...and you've already seen this... }


And now both the ::prototype_is_plus and ::_prototype_is_backslash_at classes write themselves:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    package Hash::MostUtils::leach::prototype_is_plus;
    use base qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(leach);

require Hash::MostUtils::leach;

sub leach (+) { goto &Hash::MostUtils::leach::_leach }


(You can imagine what looks like.)

All that was left at this point was figuring out what the $some_cutoff_version is that I kept glossing over in Hash::MostUtils::leach->import(). Logan Bell gave me a painless introduction to perlbrew, and I found the cutoff point: for $] >= 5.013000, I need to use '(+)'; for versions lower, I need to use '(\@)'.

Well, not quite "all that was left." I decided to write this up, and in the course of doing so decided that maybe someone else is going to face this same problem - so I wrote to gloss away the small details inside Hash::MostUtils::leach->import. Here's what that module looks like now:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    package Hash::MostUtils::leach;

use provide (
if => ge => 5.013000 => 'Hash::MostUtils::leach::v5_013',
else => 'Hash::MostUtils::leach::v5_008',

my %end;

sub _leach {
my $data = shift;

my $ident = "$data";
my $n = 2;

return () if $#{$data} < ($end{$ident} || 0);

$end{$ident} += $n;
return @{$data}[$end{$ident} - $n .. $end{$ident} - 1];



Why not use the \@ prototype for all versions of Perl since it continues to be backward compatible? The reason the + prototype was added was to support the new functionality of each, where the value may be an array as of Perl v5.12 or a reference to a hash or array as of v5.14. The perldelta from v5.14 states that + is "a special alternative to $ that acts like \[@%] when given a literal array or hash variable, but will otherwise force scalar context on the argument." It doesn't look like leach takes advantage of this new prototype beyond the case where it acts like the traditional \@ when passed an array.

Seems Module::Implementation could have been used rather than writing

Module::Implementation is already used by Class::Load, Package::Stash and B::Hooks::EndOfScope (and thus indirectly by Moose, Catalyst, namespace::clean, App::Cmd, etc) so many people will already have it installed.


use 5.012;
my @hashlike = (1..10); my @collected;
while (my ($k, $v) = each @hashlike) { push @collected, $k, $v; }

No code necessary.

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About Belden

user-pic Mediocre on a good day.