Once a week, every week

CPAN modules

A year ago, Mark Fowler resolved to release a Perl distribution each and every week and invited other Perl hackers to do so.

This led Christopher Madsen to start a leaderboard for the contest.

I immediately wanted to play, and I think I held for about two weeks before giving up. Then in May, I tried again, starting with the release of Acme-MetaSyntactic 1.000, and that time held until the end of the year: I'm at 37 weeks in a row now, and the chain is still being built as I write this. I'm at rank number 8. :-)

Interestingly, when looking at the historical results for the CPAN contest, I'm ranking number two of all times, with a chain of 98 consecutive weeks. I owe this again to Acme-MetaSyntactic. At least this time, the module is only responsible for the first 30 weeks of my current run...

Blog posts

For years, I wanted to have a blog. Not that I think I have a lot of interesting opinions to share. Or that random people would be interested to read my thoughts. I think of it more as an exercise in writing, to build up my writing skills. A (private) family blog is also something I want to do, because the days go by, and we tend to forget the daily treasures. So I think it would be nice to pick up and store some memories before the kids have grown up too much (they have already, but they are still so interesting to watch and so lovable).

So, this post is the first post of my "once a week, every week" attempt at keeping a blog. I actually start writing entries without a blog being set up. Writing the blog engine is going to be part of the experiment.

The rules

Here are the rules:

  • publish a blog entry, in any one of my blogs, at least once every week
  • the limit of a week is the midnight between Saturday night and Sunday morning UTC (same as the CPAN-once-a-week contest)
  • until I have a working blog engine, the commit date is considered the best approximation for the publication date

We'll see how that works out. Wish me luck!

(Ultimately, the Perl-related posts will be cross-posted here from my personal blog. Publishing stuff here is just a way of shaming me into actually doing what I resolved to.)

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