Announcing App::Midgen v0.22

So what’s new?

  • Switched output format type from build to mb
  • Extract more from t/ and xt/ directories
    • Find modules in Test::Requires blocks
    • Find modules in use_ok BEGIN blocks
  • Supports suggests in on_test in cpanfile

switched output format type from build to mb

‘midgen -f mb’

thanks for the kick azawawi++

Extract more from t/ and xt/ directories

Find modules in Test::Requires blocks


use Test::Requires { 'Test::Pod' => 1.46 };
use Test::Requires { 'Test::Extra' => 1.46 };
use Test::Requires qw[MIME::Types];
use Test::Requires qw(IO::Handle::Util LWP::Protocol::http10);
use Test::Requires {
    "Test::Test1" => '1.01',
    'Test::Test2' => 2.02,

Find modules in use_ok BEGIN blocks


    use_ok( 'Term::ReadKey', '2.30' );
    use_ok( 'Term::ReadLine', '1.10' );
    use_ok( 'Fred::BloggsOne', '1.01' );
    use_ok( "Fred::BloggsTwo", "2.02" );
    use_ok( 'Fred::BloggsThree', 3.03 );

Supports suggests in on_test in cpanfile

~/GitHub/Plack$ midgen -lf cpanfile

on test => sub {
    requires 'AnyEvent',       '7.04';
    requires 'Data::Dumper',   '2.145';
    requires 'DooBar',         '!mcpan';
    requires 'Encode',         '2.51';
    requires 'File::Path',     '2.09';
    requires 'File::Temp',     '0.2301';
    requires 'HTTP::Cookies',  '6.01';
    requires 'HTTP::Error',    '!mcpan';
    requires 'IO::File',       '1.25';
    requires 'IO::Socket',     '1.25';
    requires 'SomeModule',     '!mcpan';
    requires 'Test::Requires', '0.06';

    suggests 'Authen::Simple::Passwd', '0.6';
    suggests 'FCGI::ProcManager',      '0.24';
    suggests 'HTTP::Request::AsCGI',   '1.2';
    suggests 'IO::Handle::Util',       '0.01';
    suggests 'LWP::Protocol::http10',  '6.03';
    suggests 'Log::Dispatch',          '2.39';
    suggests 'Log::Dispatch::Array',   '1.001';
    suggests 'MIME::Types',            '1.38';

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About bowtie

user-pic I am primarily a dyslexic technologist, with a history in e-mail and biometrics among other things, who just likes to ferret around until I find what I am looking for, then latch on like a Jack Russell, until it works or I understand why not.