YAPC Archives

Sailing the Seven YAPCs

[This is my seventh YAPC / TPC.  If you like, you can read about my other YAPC experiences: YAPC 2011, YAPC 2013, YAPC 2014, YAPC 2015, YAPC 2016, YAPC 2018.]

Well, after taking a very long break inspired (to understate it a bit) by the pandemic, I’m back to attending in-person Perl events with my seventh YAPC.  Or, The Perl Conference, I suppose, but it still feels like YAPC to me.  As per usual, here are some reflections.

Breaking the Fourth YAPC

This year I attended my fourth YAPC.  As always, here are my thoughts.  This time around, let’s start with ...


About Buddy Burden

user-pic 16 years in California, 27 years in Perl, 36 years in computers, 57 years in bare feet.